What's all the hubbub?

I don't watch the news much any more.  I gather bits and pieces online.  Most of it is so utterly depressing that it is hard for me to watch or hear.  And what is worse, how much of it is truly factual?

I spent one day last week getting caught up - watching various news programs and commentaries online.  By the end of the day, I was fraught with stress and anger.

I understand why some people are so upset and angry about the events happening around us.  I was angered by injustice, evil seemingly "winning," just tuning in for one day!  

The internet has changed the world, but like most any invention, it can be used for tremendous good or heinous evil.  

People are airing their darkest thoughts online for all the world to read/hear - what good is there in that?!  People arguing, proving their point, or riding the "popular" wave to the point that they don't even know what their riding any more - it's just the "in" thing to do.  

We don't need to live like that!  As Christians, we are called to a better way.  

When you know that the Lord is Sovereign over all of life, history, events, etc, life has peace.  That doesn't mean we sit back, lie down, and watch evil conquer.  No.  But we don't have to play into the havoc being played out around us. 

We have the weapon to end all weapons: prayer.  Prayer has the power to change the course of history.  Remember, "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." (James 5:16)

God's will will be done.  He is in charge, make no mistake.

But there is a spiritual war happening 24/7 - the war between good and evil.  And as Christians, we are to be aware of what is happening in the world so that we may pray and see God's will and righteousness prevail. 

Will there still be evil in the world?  Am I saying that we can just pray away all the ills of the world?  Not saying that at all.  The time of true peace and righteousness will happen only when Christ reigns.  He reigns in heaven and forevermore, but He will also reign for 1,000 years right here on good ol' planet earth.  Can't wait! 

In the meantime, let's not get so mired down in the anger and "conversation," lest we lose touch with the Holy Spirit.  Let's hold on to our internal peace - the peace of Christ that passes all understanding - the peace that will one day rule the world.  

Let's "stay current," but spend more time praying on our knees than watching the nonsense that is so prevalent in the media.   And take action only if led by the Spirit.

Scripture does not say that getting upset avails much!  No.  Effective and fervent prayer avail much.  Let us live like we believe that Scripture!  Pray on!


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