Fearless and bold

What does it mean to be fearless?  Some think that it means that you boldly go forth not paying attention to any authority whatsoever, doing whatever you "feel" like with no regard for anyone else.  This is "doing your own thing."  

This can look tempting.  But at its root is prideful rebellion and eventually leads to disgrace and downfall.

Being fearless in Christ looks a whole lot different, to say the least.

When we fear God - have a reverential awe of Him, His holiness, and see Him as Lord - then we fear (are afraid of) no one else.

What can man do to me?  (Psalm 118:6)

We go forth boldly knowing that the power of the universe resides inside us, is for us, wages war for us, when necessary (Exodus 14:14), and gives us all we need to obey Him and live for Him wholeheartedly in a world that hates and rejects Him (and therefore, hates and rejects us).

We need this boldness in order to face the persecutions that we face as Christians.  Some of us face more than others.  But when we are truly and boldly confessing our faith by the way we live, talk, and behave, then unbelievers will be offended by us, by the righteousness of Christ in us.

We have no righteousness in and of ourselves.  That, too, paradoxically gives us the boldness that we possess because we are leaning on the righteousness of Christ which is all-powerful and undeniable.  The less we lean on ourselves and the more we lean on Christ, the bolder we become!

To put it as an analogy, it it a bit like being a passenger onboard an airplane.  We sit back knowing that the pilot knows exactly what he is doing.  We can relax knowing that though we are in a dangerous place (30,000 feet up in the air with the law of gravity still in full force!), the one at the controls knows exactly what he is doing.

We can sit back, read a book, watch a movie, enjoy a meal, and simply fly.  And as Christians, we can do all of this without a stiff drink!

With Jesus at the "controls," both over our lives and over all of creation, we can sit back, relax, and also be bold and fearless knowing that our "Pilot" knows exactly what He is doing, where He is taking us, and that as long as we keep our trust in Him, where it belongs, then we have nothing or no one to fear.  Ever.

So although the world in their limited and darkened minds may think of Jesus, and therefore, His followers, as "meek and mild," those of us connected to Christ know better.  We are the truly fearless and bold ones because we know the One in Whom we have believed!

Lord Jesus, You are worthy of all our trust.  As we fully trust in You, thank You that we can be fearless and bold in You.  Thank You for being our valiant Warrior, our Savior, our Protector, our Advocate, and Lord.  Help us always remember that we have nothing and no one to fear when we belong to You.  Thank You, O God, for this wonderful position we have in You!  You get all the glory, Lord Jesus!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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