The one who understands you

Do you know what it feels like to be misunderstood?  Do you have people in your life who truly "get" you?

If no two people are really like, including identical twins, then how can there be "kindred" spirits?  Can we be like anyone else if we're not like anyone else?!

When we feel misunderstood, like others just don't "get" us, it can be frustrating.  We all want to be accepted as we are.  But what if "as we are" is not at all how others perceive us?

Remember, people look at us through their, mostly distorted, lens.  We don't truly see others, either, most of the time.

But the comfort lies in this:  there is one - the only one, really - who knows us through and through.  He "gets" us because He made us!  No one else on earth can claim this place in our lives.  Though our mothers birthed us and probably know us better than anyone, there is still one who sits far and above even our mothers when it comes to being understood:  the Lord Jesus Christ.

When we feel misunderstood, or worse, when we feel like others see only the worst in us (this is their problem, their critical spirit, and has nothing to do with you, by the way), we can rest assured and be confident of this truth: the Lord knows us, loves us, wants the best for us, sees the best in us, builds us up and never tears us down, and He sees the entire picture of us - our beginning to our end.  

The Lord knows us at our worst, but He "gets" that part of us.  He knows all the torn and tattered places in us - the wounded and broken places - and loves us still!  He is waiting to love those broken places into wholeness.

Sometimes, He uses people.  Sometimes, He does not.  He is quite capable (understatement), of providing all we need when it comes to emotional healing, being understood, and empowering us to live our lives to the fullest via His Holy Spirit - understood by others or not!

I don't know about you, but this brings me great joy!  

The other thing about being understood is that when we put on a persona in order to be accepted by others, then deep down we know that they are not accepting the real us anyway, but only the false self, or persona.

The beauty in Jesus' love and acceptance is that He sees beyond all masks, personas, and false selves and totally, unconditionally, loves and "gets" us.  The real us.

No need to put our guard up or pretend to be anything other than who we are with Christ.  And as we spend more and more time in His Presence, others' acceptance of us (real or otherwise) will fade into the shadows and not be important to us any more.  Their "acceptance" will be superfluous because we realize that we are already absolutely, irrevocably accepted just as we are.  Forever and always.

Now mind you, this does not mean that He does not want to change us, help us become more like Him.  He does!  But not in a way that says that we're not good enough as we are.  The changes He wants to make in us are for our very best.  Yet He accepts us along the way, too.

He leads us along the best paths for us that will bring healing and restoration to our souls when needed.

We need not look to others because we already have the best on our side - God Himself!  So other "help" starts to pale in comparison when we realize that our Helper is nothing less than perfect.  

So sit down and have a talk with the One Who knows you best of all.  He knit you together in your mother's womb. He designed you for a purpose.  He knows exactly what He is doing.  He "gets" you and He loves you.

Lord Jesus, sometimes our friends just don't really "get" us.  Thank You that we possess Your total love and acceptance so that when others fail us, You know best and are right there to comfort and guide us.  Thank You for Your plan that includes both false friends and true - the false to push us closer to You, and the true to reflect You, no matter how dimly.  Help me bear being misunderstood, knowing that You always understand me, Lord.  I love and praise You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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