The task at hand

A New Year!  A fresh start!  That is what we feel each January 1st.  We praise God for another year of life!

As I read from one of my favorite devotionals this morning, "Joy and Strength," a compilation of writings from some of the greatest saints gone by (compiled by Mary Wilder Tileston), I thought that I would share with you today's reading.  The writer puts it so well and beautifully what we all need to hear today.

"The year begins; and all its pages are as blank as the silent years of the life of Jesus Christ.  Let us begin it with high resolution; then let us take all its limitations, all its hindrances, its disappointments, its narrow and commonplace conditions, and meet them as the Master did in Nazareth, with patience, with obedience, putting ourselves in cheerful subjection, serving our apprenticeship.  Who knows that opportunity may come to us this year?  Let us live in a great spirit, then we shall be ready for a great occasion."  George Hodges

Yes!  This is the task at hand - to meet every opportunity afforded us by the Lord with readiness and eagerness to do His will wholeheartedly.  

Lord Jesus, thank You with all that is in us for a New Year in which to live out Your calling on our lives.  Help us always remember that our greatest calling is to love You and others.  Thank You that we can know You, Lord, through Your Word and Holy Spirit.  Thank You for being the Author of every year, of all time.  What a privilege to know You!  We commit this year to You, Lord Jesus, and ask Your blessing on it as we seek to draw near to You even more and obey You always.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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