How a heart is hardened

Here's how it happens, pretty much step by step:

We get hurt.

Instead of turning to Christ, we let the hurt turn into anger.

We become apathetic towards God because we are caught up in our own pain (by the way, you can choose to turn to Him instead).

Christ can no longer live fully in our hearts because our hearts are full of sin (pride, anger, rebellion, bad attitudes, etc.).

Our love for Christ and others grows cold.

We build walls around our heart so we won't be hurt again.

This is a sad list, indeed.  But there is a way out! There is a way back to God, to sanity, to health,, to the good  life.  


It's that simple.

Admit to God that you messed up, that you're hurting, and that you want to feel His love again and be at peace.

When He knows your heart wants to do the right thing, He will meet you right there where you're at.

What a wonderful, awesome privilege we have in Christ!  He takes us back!  Every.  Time.

Dear Lord, I pray that You keep me close to You and keep my love for you and others flowing freely, warmly, no matter what.  For this is why You made us - to receive Your love and give love to others.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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