His great and personal love for us

Why do I love talking, writing, and singing about Jesus?  I am overwhelmed by His great love for me personally.  There are billions of us roaming around this planet, and yet He loves me as if I were the only person.  You, too.

He loves billions of people individually, personally, and never stops thinking about each one of us.

We cannot comprehend His Mind, let alone His love.

His love excites me because it is so rare.

His life excites me because it is singular.

His power excites me because it is omnipotent.

His intimacy excites me because He knows me and yet loves me.  He knows every thought I have before I think it.  He created me in my mother's womb.  He has written down every single day of my life in His book.  He was there when I was born and He will be there when He takes me - either in death, or in the Rapture.  

I am obsessed with Jesus!  

Ours is a love relationship like no other.  Even the intimacy I know with my husband cannot compare.  Sorry, honey!

I never have, and never will, feel as accepted and loved just as I am by Jesus.  

The fact that He is omnipotent and still cares about the minutest detail of my life, my soul, my body, everything that concerns me, even the numbers of hair on my head, blows me away.

He has stolen my heart and that's all there is to it.

He has removed many people from my life throughout the years, and as sad as that has been, I never feel lonely.  He is my constant Friend - not imaginary, but more real than anything or anyone else in the universe. 

This is more than mere comfort, though He does give tremendous comfort.  He is my:


Oh to know the love of God that surpasses all understanding!

I still wrestle with my flesh (sin) and will do so, sadly, until my final earthly day.  But that makes me love Jesus all the more!  He sees what a wretch I am and still loves me!  I don't know about you, but I need that kind of love to survive.  

We all need love.  We all need God's love first and foremost.  Won't you allow Him into your heart today?

Oh sweet, wonderful Jesus.  Lover of my soul.  You woo me and want me and it boggles my mind.  Thank You for coming to earth as a human so You can relate to us, to die for us, to help us to truly know how to live by being our ultimate Example.  But You knew we could never come close to being like You in and of ourselves, so You provided the Holy Spirit to live in us, to empower and enable us to become like You.  Wow!  Thank You, thank You, thank You, dear Lord.  Your love is amazing.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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