I know that my Redeemer lives, part 1

Do you know who said this?  It was Job.  Do you know when he said it?  It wasn't after his torturous trials had ended.  It was during.

Yep.  Job still believed in and trusted God during his horrendous season of suffering.

Job still praised God while he was suffering.

Job still praised God even when his friends let him down.  Big time.

Job praised God after he lost everything and everyone that mattered to him.

No need to belabor this, really.  You know exactly what I'm getting at.

So let's continue to praise the Lord simply because He is Lord no matter what we are facing. 

No matter how long it lasts.

No matter what our friends say or don't say.

For I know that my Redeemer lives.  Always.  Do you know Him this way?


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