I want you to know God pre-wrath so you don't curse Him

God is love.  Everyone, including non-Christians, like to believe this.  And He is.  Pure, strong, enduring, everlasting love unlike any other.


Sorry, but I need to obey the Lord in this, and He wants me to tell you, so here goes.

There is a time when God judges the earth.  He did this radically the first time with the flood.

We live in the age of grace, which means that we live after the time of Christ's resurrection from the dead.

But the Bible is clear that one day, the earth will become unbearable to live in.  Not just because of "global warming," or something like that.  But because God's fury against sin will finally and fully be unleashed.

If you're a parent, you love your children.  But you have also gotten angry with them.  You want their best and when they misbehave, if you're a good parent, there are consequences for their bad behavior.

God is our Heavenly Father.  He loves us more than any human parent could ever love their children.  Imagine that!

But when we go astray, disobey Him, sin, there are consequences.  

And when we persist in going our own way, ignoring Him, and being our own "gods," He gets pissed.  

Now granted, He has an extremely long "wick."  It is taking millennia for His patience to run out.

Am I messing with your "good times?"  Don't want to think about such things?

It's just that I want you to come to Christ, to get to know Him and His grace, love, and mercy now because when the you-know-what really hits the fan, you will be tempted to curse God and see Him only as a disaster-causing God.  You won't wonder why things are happening as they are and why a loving God would cause such things, because you will have tasted His goodness, love, and mercy in your hearts and lives.  You will know that all He does is done in love, even when it looks otherwise. 

Even homeowners' insurance policies have an "act of God" clause for natural disasters!

Be clear - God does not enjoy bringing judgment.  It breaks His heart to chastise us, as I'm sure it breaks yours when you must discipline your children.  

You see, His love and mercy are but two of His character qualities.  He is also just and righteous.  You wouldn't want Him to be only "warm and fuzzy."  We all cheer when a guilty person gets their due.  It is in us to want justice in this world.  Wars are fought over it.

I only want to get you in the habit of blessing God now before what is about to come comes. 

Dear Lord.  You are more wonderful than our minds can imagine.  Your love for us is profound.  You are also righteous and just.  You are Holy and pure and Your hatred of sin was demonstrated so graphically when You sacrificed Your only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for all sin, once and for all.  You have provided a way for us to escape Your wrath!  And the only way is through the blood of Jesus.  Thank You is not enough.  We praise and bless You for this awesome truth, O God.  I pray that You would start reaping a huge harvest of souls before more evidence of Your judgment starts happening.  Bring many into a right relationship with You, O God, through Jesus, so that they may have the strength to endure what lies ahead.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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