Joy is my birthright! I am allowed to be happy!

I know this may sound cray cray, but I have not allowed myself to be joyful or happy for whatever reasons.  

I could list a long list of problems, and seemingly neverending situations that I wish were different, but Jesus is showing me that His joy is in me 24/7!  Why haven't I allowed myself this treasure!  For the joy set before Him Jesus endured the worst imaginable.  He remembered the joy in His Father's Presence and He was going back to it!!!!

Anyway, today is my birthday and I can't stop smiling!

Nothing around me has changed much at all.

But Jesus' joy inside me is bubbling over with gratitude for life!  This life He decided to create - my life - for His glory and His joy!

I was in the habit of seeing only darkness - oy!  The enemy did a number on me.

But I believe this will be my new way of operating in life.  JOY JOY JOY!!!!

Thank You, sweet Jesus!  I cry once again (i am a cryer!) but now, tears of joy!!!

No demon in hell, no circumstance in life, no person or any other force will be able to steal my joy ever again!  

May you feel His awesome joy in and around you always, too!


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