What to do if you're still here after the Rapture

First of all, it is not too late!  Though all hell will break loose because God's people will be removed and the Restrainer, or the Holy Spirit, in them will not be here inside them, you can still come to Christ!  That is what you should do!  

You can still get saved and become born again.  You will need to get saved more than ever just to survive the horrendous hell that the world will be at that time.  You think it's bad now?  Just wait!

You will need the indwelling Holy Spirit inside of you to face life at that time.  Don't think you can go it alone!

As for all of your friends who were telling you about Christ all along, once they're Raptured out of here, that should be enough proof for you to realize that Jesus is real!

Yet there will still be those stubborn fools who refuse to come to Christ!  Don't be one of them!

God in His infinite grace and mercy will still be redeeming souls after the Rapture!  Alleluia!

The Bible says that many of His chosen ones - the Jews - will then acknowledge Him as their Messiah.  They will evangelize the world with their holy zeal!

The division between right and wrong, light and darkness, the true followers of Christ and the apostates, will all be more evident at that time.

So you see, there will still be hope!  But why wait until then?!  Wouldn't you rather meet Jesus, and all of us Christians, in the air when He returns for us?!

Don't place all of your stock in this quickly-fading earthly life!  Get right with Jesus before all hell breaks loose - even more!

Feel free to pray this prayer, or any other heartfelt prayer that invites Jesus into your heart and life:

Dear Lord.  I need a Savior.  I know that I cannot enter your Holy Heaven in and of myself, nor by my good works or deeds.  Thank You for providing a way for me to know You, be received by You, so that I may have and know eternal life now and forever.  Thank You that because of Your great sacrifice on the cross, I do not have to spend an eternity separated from You (which is hell).  Please enter my heart today, Lord Jesus, by Your Holy Spirit, and make me a new creature in You.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.  


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