Binge-watching "The Chosen"
While watching "The Chosen," I saw the most moving scene I've ever seen in any movie. Ever.
Nicodemus met Jesus.
Nicodemus was a scholar, the head rabbi - very intelligent, well-respected, and learned.
He, like all the other Jews of his day, were waiting for their Messiah to come.
When he met Jesus, he had all sorts of questions for Him. Jesus spoke plainly to him telling him that in order to see the Kingdom of God, he needed to be born again in spirit.
Nicodemus had never heard such teaching ever, nor had he read it in the Scriptures he knew so well.
Yet in his spirit, he felt that he was hearing truth. He felt that he was standing on holy ground, and he was.
Nicodemus was now not only learning about truth, he was meeting Truth. And he would bever be the same again.
What a difference between reading about God - head knowledge - and meeting Him face to face!
Nicodemus was a chnaged man after meeting and talking with Jesus. With all of his studying of the Scriptures and his "position" as the head rabbi, he was still searching for something. Something was still missing and he was wise and humble enough to admit it.
A twist in the plot happens later, however.
After his initial encounter with Jesus, it feels like Nicodemus is ready to give it all up - his reputation, his position, etc. - to follow the One he knows is the Messiah.
But the power of a wife! Oy!
His wife was not too keen on Nicodemus giving up what they had together - the life they had built, their position in the community, and their family life - to follow this new Prophet.
And sadly, she won out.
She was clinging to this life and, in a sense, idolizing all of those things - family, position, and reputation - instead of coming to her senses and realizing that following Jesus is more important than any of those things.
In an agonizing scene, we see Nicodemus's anguish as he listens to Jesus and His disciples from behind a wall before they set off on one of their journeys to save the world.
You can see it on his face that though he really wanted to go with Jesus, he made the decision to stay behind and remain where he was - all because he let his wife talk him out of the greatest adventure he would have ever known.
I believe the sorrow on Nicodemus's face is what awaits all of those who refuse to follow Christ - both in this life and the next. There will be such remorse and regret - the weight of which will be unbearable.
So why not choose Jesus today? Why not avoid such soul pain and sorrow down the road? It is inevitable, friends - no ifs, ands, or buts.
When we go our own way and decide to not follow Jesus - wherever He leads - we will end up sorrowful and cast down. Oh it may not happen as dramatically as it did for Nicodemus, or not as immediately - but it is coming.
What Nicodemus's wife didn't understand was that whatever we "give up" to follow Jesus, we are repaid a millionfold in this life and the next. Whatever "loss" there is when we follow Christ, what we gain is of far more worth and value - immeasurable, really.
So won't you let it all go - whatever you cling to for comfort, security, and identity in this life - to follow the Lover of your soul? He is worth it.
Oh Lord. How sad for those who believe this life is the end all. How sad when people choose to make gods of family, reputation, money, and the like - for the very things they cling to are not able to fill them as only You can. I pray for anyone reading this right now that they leave it all behind to follow You! If that is what You ask of them, then I pray they would do it. Now! Before it's too late. For only You provide true Life, Lord, and only You are worthy of all of our trust. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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