It matters what we read

I love to read.  In addition to the Bible, I read mostly Christian non-fiction.  But the Bible is always first.

I tend to gravitate toward the classic writers and also contemporary writers who write deeply of Christ.

I noticed that when I read other contemporary books - those that are popular and all the rage in Christian circles - there is sometimes a different tone about it.

They are more me-centered.  They get me thinking more about myself than about Christ.  

I get a nervous or anxious feeling when reading them.

I was trying to come up with a good analogy for this.  The best I could come up with is this: one is like drinking an empty calorie drink - my flesh likes it, it may taste good, but it is useless to noursih me.  The other is like drinking the purest, cleanest, freshest, spring water.  

Sorry, but that's the best I could come up with.

One type of book makes me think of myself (hence, the anxiety and lack of peace), and the other draws me closer to Christ, helps me feel His Presence, makes me want more of Him.

Does this mean we are never to take a good look at ourselves?  No, of course not.

But endless self-reflection - even with the best intentions of "improving" ourselves - leaves us ultimately empty and even causes stress.  

We can't fill ourselves!

We were created to gaze on Christ, not ourselves.  

Only Christ can fill us up to overflowing - overflowing with His goodness, peace, love, kindness, and joy.

I have nothing to offer in and of myself.  So why would I want to read yet another task list on how to "improve" myself?  My flesh can't improve!  My flesh needs to die.  That is the way to real life.

So I ask you, what books feed your soul?  Are you reading them simply because the author has a great "following" on social media?  Are you reading it because it has the biggest end-aisle display at Target?

I suggest praying over what you read, for what we read has tremendous influence over us, just like what we watch, eat, drink, and hear.

Some questions to ask yourself while you read:

1.  Do I feel closer to Christ as I read this?
2. Am I drawn into the Presence of Christ when I read this?
3. Does this book cause any anxiety or stress in me?
4. Do I want to make more to-do lists or do I want to rest in Christ more?

These are just a few of the questions that you need to ask yourself when reading a new book.

You don't need to do what everyone else is doing - including reading the "flavor of the month" when it comes to "popular" books.

Ask the Lord to lead you to His best writers.  There are scads of them out there, thank God.

I guess the question is, why do we read at all?  Do we read to learn more about God or about ourselves?  Do we read to gain more information, head knowledge?  Or do we want God to transform our hearts?

I find that when I learn aboud God, He is faithful to show me what I need to know about myself, if anything.  Areas that I need to grow in, relinquish, release to Him, etc., etc.

But seeking to "better" ourselves apart from the Holy Spirit is totally putting the cart before the horse.

We are not to be like the world!  And if we are truly walking in obedience to Christ, we will want to read only that which feeds us - the fluff will no longer satisfy us.

How do we know when a book is truly edifying?  We need to be very familiar with the Bible first, because when we are, our spirits will immediately be able to detect words that line up with God's truth and those that do not.

So read on, friends!  But read only God's best for you.

Dear Lord.  The Christian book business is big business.  But only You know what's what and which books will truly draw us closer to You or not.  I pray for Your wisdom in this, Lord, always to choose best and not fall prey to slick marketing or "popularity."  Not all that is popular is beneficial.  I pray for whomever is reading this, Lord, that You would lead and guide him or her to books filled with Your Living Water.  For we were made for You Lord, not ourselves.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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