Jesus has more for you

I read this passage in my quiet time this morning. I had to ask myself, what "wells" am I digging with hopes of quenching my "thirst" in place of Christ's living water?

I know where it's at.  I know where true life, joy, peace, and contentment are found.  They are found in Christ alone, in no one or no place else.  Period.

Oh there is fun to be had and frivolous stuff that may perk us up for a bit.  But in reality, they are powerless to fill our souls, fill our hearts, as only Jesus can.

Yes, the Lord gave us this beautiful earth to not only steward, but to enjoy  We can grow to worship Him more when we think on everything as from His creative hand - the sun, moon, stars, oceans, mountains, and so much more.  All planned and made by design.  Even the waters of the Flood that carved out the modern world as we know it - His hand guided the water to give us the Grand Canyon and every other natural wonder that we see on earth.

However, we are to worship the Creator, not the creation.  We do this with any work of art, if you think about it.  We don't "worship" the Mona Lisa or a Mozart symphony.  We think about the creator of those works.

So when we worship the created in any way, shape or form, we lose.  Why?  Because, beautiful as they are, they are powerless to fill the deepest thirst in us.

Trouble is, it's so easy to look at stuff and put all our eggs in the wrong basket, so to speak.

The woman at the well had hoped to find fulfillment in men.  She had hoped to finally feel loved and accepted in her life.  But apparently, we know by the number of men that she married, that men were not where it's at!  Or else why didn't she stick with husband #1?  

Yes, folks, even our most intimate earthly relationship can only fill us up so much.  Men and women were not created to be God.  We are made in His image, but we not Him

The "more" that Jesus has for us is Himself.  He has more life, love, acceptance, belonging, fulfillment, peace, joy, kindness, and goodness in Him than anything or anyone else because He is those qualities.  He does not just hand them out, he embodies them.

And now, as born again Christians, those qualities live in us through His Holy Spirit!

But we can quench the Holy Spirit.  How?  Each time we go "digging" other wells looking for fulfillment apart from Him.

I don't care what or who it is, they are not where it's at, friends.

No hobby, no relationship, no pursuit, no acccomplishment, no amount of money - none of these have the ability to truly meet our deepest needs.  Yet millions of people on this planet - these are the only things they go after with all their hearts.  Eventually, without exception, these same people are disillusioned.  Oh some will never admit it.  

But we know it's true because we have countless quotes from "rich" people who were honest enough to admit that money did not "do it" for them after all.

So what's a person to do?

Run to the Living Water!  Stay in the Living Water!  Ask God to cleanse us from and rid us of our worthless idols and pursuits - no matter how "worthy" they may seem to be.  

When I try, in vain, to find purpose or any real sense of peace apart from Christ, I come up empty.  Every.  Time.

So why do I "dig" elsewhere at all?  I temporarily play the fool.  I know where it's at - where everything I ever wanted and could want is - and that is in the Presence of Christ.  

Ever faithful, Christ is still there for me, with me, and never leaves my side for even a millisecond.  It is I who "leaves" Him - whether in thought, word, or deed - to "dig" useless "wells."

Does this mean we do nothing with ourselves but sit around all day worshiping Jesus and resting in His glorious Presence?  

I think it's more like as we go about our work and leisure, we include Him.  We don't block Him out or see Him as separate from all else, but as our constant Companion in all things.  So when we're saying, watching, or doing something that is not for our best, does not honor God, we stop and invite Him in instead.

Does this spoil all the fun?!  Just the opposite.  There is a richness and depth of Life when we include Jesus in it all.  

I want Jesus to indeliby etch this pic in my heart, mind, and soul so that whenever I start looking elsewhere for my needs, I see this pic immediately and stop digging around!

Oh Lord.  You are so very patient with all of us.  Help me to not play the fool and dig useless wells.  Help me, instead, to always invite You in, include You, in all of my life, activities, thoughts, words, and deeds.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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