Practicing my song, Fill Me, Holy Spirit


So I got a bit behind in my "every day" practicing.  I could give you a thousand excuses, but I can't blame "busyness" because we can always make time for what we are called to do, right?

Anyway, here's what happened when I sat down to sing my song, "Fill Me, Holy Spirit."

As I sang, the Holy Spirit did fill me. I felt His beautiful warmth and Presence, more real than anything you could imagine.

I felt His peace flood my soul.  

I felt His pleasure.

I felt at home.

So beautiful.  So faithful and generous of Him to meet me as I sang to Him.

Then, at the end, I heard the birds outside my window, which is directly over my keyboard, singing, singing, singing at the top of their little lungs!  They were joining me in praising God, I know it!

I guess the takeaway is this:  God told me to practice all of my songs.  I obeyed.  What felt at first like an overwhelming task has actually become a joy!  It lightens my spirit and heart.  It brings me joy.

So whatever the Lord is telling you to do, by all means, just do it!  Though it "feels" undoable.  Though you don't think you're up to it.  Just start.

No more excuses for disobeying Jesus.  He knows exactly what He is doing and can be trusted to instruct us in the way that we should go.

Sweet Jesus.  There is nothing in the universe like Your sweet Presence.  Oh how I long for everyone to know this!  For it is the secret of life, true life.  Being surrounded by Your love, grace, joy, peace, and beauty.  For this we are created.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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