Stop saying how things are "supposed" to be

What situation in your life is not as it should be?  We all have something we wish were different.  This is not even out of discontent or complaining.  Some things are just not as they should be.

Life is not perfect.  We all know that much!

But what is that thing in your life that is not as it is "supposed" to be - at least in your estimation? 

If a loved one refuses to seek God and is living a life of rebellion and sin against Him, we know that this is not as it should be.  "Lord, I've done everything I can to help him/her.  He/she is not changing, Lord, no matter how hard I pray or even fast.  When are You going to fix this for me?"

Maybe you live with physical pain and you just can't take it one more day.

Maybe you are discontent with yourself and wish you could respond to your trials with more grace instead of frustration, doubt, or fear.

Maybe, just maybe, you are not as you are "supposed" to be yet.

Do You think the Lord doesn't know every single detail of your situation?  He is more intimately acquainted with all that is happening in and around you - including in your loved one's heart - than you could ever be.

"If only ________ would change and be the way it is supposed to be - everything would be so much better, Lord!"

Mistake #1:  thinking we know better than God.  We all do it.  

We look at outer circumstances and let our minds be consumed with them rather than seeking the Lord.  This is only human, you may say. 

So what separates us from the heathen, then?  That is how they think because they have no alternative.

However!  We can go straight to the Source - the Highest in Command - God Almighty Himself.  Do we take for granted what a privilege that is?  I know I can sometimes.  

"But what if the Lord tells me something I don't want to hear?"  So what?!?  That doesn't matter at all!  What matters is that He is Lord and you are not!  So He always - not some of the time, not just occasionally - yes, ALWAYS knows the best solution to any problem or situation we face.  

How hard could it be, what He tells you?  What are you afraid of?  That He might say that the situation isn't the only problem?  That  you are part of it, too?  (gulp)  He has told me as much on occasion!  Do I like to hear it?  Of course not!

So what exactly is He getting at, letting this painful and difficult situation go on and on ad nauseum in your life?  He could snap His fingers and fix it instantly!  What is His purpose in the pain?

Remember, Jesus was always teaching the people.  And since He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He is still teaching us today! (Hebrews 13:8)  Yes, through His Word.  But also, through whatever means it takes to get through to us!  Are we that thick-headed?  No comment. 

So we come boldly into His Presence, for He sits on the Throne of Grace waiting to impart His wisdom to us.   (Hebrews 4:16)

"Lord, You know I am fed up with this whole scene.  But Lord, I still choose to trust You, even in this!  Please tell me what You want me to learn in this, Lord, so I may mature in my faith and please You."

This is a good start.

And never fear - He will show you!  

I don't know what He will tell you, but He will tell you.  Whether He speaks through Scripture, through a sermon you hear online, through a trusted friend or counselor, through His Holy Spirit, or even through a TV show or movie!  Yes, He can use anything He wants to to get through to us.  There are golden nuggets of wisdom out there for us to find.  After all, He used a donkey to speak to Balaam!  (Numbers 22:21-39)

Remember, whatever it takes!  That is God's motto toward your sanctification.  That's how precious it is to God.  

And if your horrible circumstance is not how it is "supposed" to be in your limited thinking, then look up!  Look to Christ and ask Him to teach you!  Yes, I know how hard it is and I am not belittling your suffering or your untenable situation.  

But I do know that Christ does everything and allows everything in our lives for our good.  Yes!  For our good!  No matter how painful, no matter how long it goes on, He is either causing or allowing it to happen for our good. Please get this deep into your soul and don't let go of it!  

When our own little "worlds" are not as they should be, we need to learn all we can now because the day is coming when the larger world is going to be in such dire straits that our situations, no matter how horrible, will seem like a cakewalk in comparison!

For example, the other night our washer overflowed and I had to mop up water from the laundry room.  I was tired and already cranky, just wanting to go to bed and get some sleep.

Then I thought about those people who faced and are still facing those devastating floods in Europe, China, and elsewhere.  Dear Lord, help them!  And suddenly, I saw my little "flood" from a different perspective.

Again, I'm not belittling your "flood," whatever it might be, but only saying that we need to buck up and be prepared for even worse.  

As children of God, when we are seeking Him, trusting Him, and obeying Him best we can, all is exactly as it is "supposed" to be in His eyes.  

Oh Lord.  Please teach me whatever You want me to learn in all of the trials that You want me to endure.  I trust You to let the trials end in Your perfect time, even when they go on longer than I think they "should."  Help me see things from Your perspective, Lord, as much as possible.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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