Seek the Lord

Years ago, someone once told me that my music was for a time.  I took that to mean a time when people are broken, lost, suffering, and hurting.  A future time when life would be harder than it is now.  The Lord seems to inspire much of my songwriting in a prophetic way - lyrics to soothe, exhort, and call to Christ for a time in the future, collectively.

But there are always hurting people around us.  Oh they may put on a good show, but God knows the pain they carry in their hearts.  

I asked someone the other day what her "takeaway" from the pandemic was and her answer stunned me with its shallowness. She said something about wearing a mask, or some such thing.  Wow.  To be fair, I had only just met this person, so maybe she didn't feel comfortable opening up her deepest feelings to me.  

But there was gold to be mined during this pandemic!  Did we turn to Christ more?  Did we see His hand in all of this?  Did the isolation force us to realize our need for others that much more?  Did we take stock of what is really needed in life as we cleaned pantries, organized closets, and gave to Goodwill?  Give me something - a deeper takeaway, please!  What the heck did you learn on a spiritual level during the pandemic?

Anyway, I digress.

We are by nature a rallying country.  Most seem to like the roar of the crowd at a football game, or so we're led to believe.

But what of those who are more contemplative?  Not necessarily introverted, but the thinkers in life.

I suppose many of my songs are for the thinkers - those who have the courage to engage in life at a deeper level.  Those who don't need life to be one big Super Bowl game.  Those who have the inner strength to turn off their technology and simply be with Jesus.

I hope my songs bring out that side of you.  Because therein lie your roots to weather any storm - an inner strength found only in Christ - during a pandemic or worse.

We all need to seek the Lord every day for His strength, direction, counsel, guidance, but above all, His Presence.

It is not only alright to be still and silent, but it is vital to our health on every level.  You don't have to be like those around you.  Be yourself - who God made you to be.  

Lord, I pray that You use my music when and how You see fit.  For they are Your words, Your message, Your balm, Your hope that I sing.  I pray that those who need the message I bring listen and draw close to You - whether for the first time or the one thousandth time.  Thank You for being the Author of time and knowing what song, message, or word is needed at what time.  Thank You for both Your vast and Your personal plans for the world and in our hearts.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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