The age of offense

Boy, have we become a touchy people!  Everywhere you turn, someone is getting out of joint over some comment made either to their face or on social media. "How dare he!" He dared.

What do we do with such upsets and comments aimed at us?  Do we let them get to us?  Can we just forgive and forget?

When we are offended and don't nip it in the bud immediately, it becomes a stumbling block.  Don't take my word for it, it's in God's Word.

"Great peace have they which love Thy law: and nothing shall offend them." Psalm 119:165

The Hebrew for the last part of this verse is: a stumbling, means or occasion of stumbling, a stumbling block.

In other words, an offense trips us up and we fall - if we let it.

Is it really worth it? 

I mean the slightest thing can cause the touchy to be offended.  It's gotten entirely out of control!

But as Christians, we do not have to stumble.  

Do you realize how many times Jesus was offended when He was here?  The religious leaders were a constant source of offense to Him.  Yet Jesus never once stumbled.  Never.

Now Jesus was the most sensitive person who ever lived.  Being God, He knew what was going to come out of their mouths before they even spoke it anyway!  He didn't let the Pharisees get to Him because He knew:

- Who He was
- their intentions and motives (yuck!)
- they were wrong!

Yet He never threw it in their faces - their being wrong and Him being right.  It wasn't about that for Jesus, though He could have done so easily.

He simply told them what was what, who He was, and let the chips fall where they may!  He never tiptoed around His enemies.  He let them yap on without feeling the need to defend Himself.  They would see and know soon enough!

Can we walk as Jesus did in this way?  Can we see the offense for what it is and move on?  Only the most secure can do this.  No need to explain.  No need to prove anything.  Simply knowing who we are and Whose we are is enough.

I guess it comes down to what we value most - being "right" or staying in peace.  Wanting to honor God more by loving Him above all is how we keep this great peace that only Christ offers us.  

We love Him more than our own reputations.

We love Him more than having to "win."

We love Him more than setting the record straight because we trust Him to take care of things for us.

This truly is a great peace.  It all comes out in the wash anyway!  One day soon enough, all will be set right by Christ.  Am I saying turn a blind eye to injustice?  No, I am referring to the smaller, pettier offenses that are not even worth our time.  

And not reading or watching so much of it online helps us stay in peace, too.  

And know that we will be on the other end of it - offending others without even trying simply because we have chosen to follow Christ.  I Peter 2:8 says that Jesus is "A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense." and that unbelievers "stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do."

So next time you feel offended, choose to stay in the great peace of Christ.  Love God over all.

Dear Lord, help us rise above all offense by keeping Your peace inside us, letting it rule in our hearts no matter what.  This is possible with You, Lord!  Thank You that you have made a way for us to maintain peace in any circumstance.  And as we unwittingly offend others by keeping the faith, help us stand strong in You and continue to proclaim Your amazing Gospel of grace.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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