From trials, to patience, to wholeness

When we are in the thick of it - being tempted to give up, walk in the flesh, doubt God - this is when we are called to practice patience.

The meaning of patience in this case is long suffering.  God knows that we suffer when tempted.  Remember, He was tempted by the devil in the desert and it was no fun!  But Jesus resisted the devil by knowing Who He was and by knowing and speaking Scripture.  Jesus was not passive in this and neither should we be.

Verse 4 in the King James translation reads, "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."  The purpose of the trial is to produce patience in us which makes us whole.  When we are whole, we are healed, "wanting nothing."

Why does it have to work this way?  I have no idea.  And trying to deny it or fight against it only causes great turmoil and stress.

Isn't that the way?  We are tempted.  We feel rotten.  We are uncomfortable and not at peace in that moment.

Now here is where we need to stop and make a choice

I can give in to the temptation - let myself fear, doubt, be anxious, or whatever - or I can endure the suffering knowing that it will eventually pass.  I endure by clinging to Christ and His wonderful promises.  This is hard when your mind is muddied with gunk!  But remember, it is an attack and therefore a battle.  So in order to overcome and win, we need to do something, not just sit there and take it!

But the way we battle is not via fleshly means, as the world does - returning evil for evil - but with weapons of mass destruction!  We tear down (destroy) every stronghold trying to take over in our minds!  We wage spiritual warfare by clothing ourselves in Christ and His holiness and righteousness (the enemy hates this and cannot stand up against it).  

Remember, the devil is already defeated.  Why he keeps on trying to win when he knows he's lost, I don't know!  Oh yeah, I do know.  He wants to take us out of God's will.  He wants to ruin our testimony and lives.  If you're going ot hate anyone, hate the devil!  He is your real enemy when you belong to Christ!

Anyway, if we can get through the battle unscathed (relatively!), then we have moved that much closer to wholeness, which is maturity in Christ.

Oh how I wish there were an easier way!  I just want to live beside those "still waters" and never face any trials again.  But that is not the world we live in.  At least for now.

But if I push through and press on believing that I've already won in Christ and that Christ is using the trial on my behalf, then I can get to the next level of faith and trust.  I can climb up.  I can find rest for my soul after the battle is over!

Who doesn't want to be whole?  Who doesn't want to be healed?  We all want these qualities for ourselves.  But there is a price to pay, friends.  Long suffering.  Oy.

Any takers?  Why is all of this worth it, anyway?  Because we have a Great High Priest who has gone before us and who has experienced all of our trials ane worse and came out victorious!  We follow Him because He won!  Because He is worth it.  Because we trust Him and want to know Him better.

Oh Lord.  Life is hard. Battles I never wanted to fight assail me.  I get weary from it all.  Help me to stand strong and never give up - to persevere and let Your patience do its work in me so that I may be healed, whole, and mature in You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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