Absolute authority

What comes to mind when you read those two words? 

There is only one being to whom absolute authority has been given: the Lord Jesus Christ.  King Jesus!

Now, who comes to mind when I say meek and mild?  Oh yeah.  That's Jesus.

Don't you know He's both?

But how can someone meek and mild possess absolute authority?  He simply does.

We all know that the most talented in the artistic world neither have to flaunt it nor proclaim it.  They simply are

It may be a poor analogy (!), but in the same way, Jesus needs neither to flaunt nor proclaim His supremacy.  He simply is.

No ego.  No "demanding" presence.  His absolute power is coming from a place of total goodness.  Our minds can barely comprehend this because our points of reference are mere humans - all of whom, even the best of them, are flawed in their leadership qualities.

There is something comforting about knowing that the all-powerful force of the universe is a loving, grace-filled, kind, generous, all-knowing, meek and mild God.

No despotism here.

But if you don't know Jesus personally yet - haven't received Him into your heart - then that absolute authority can be scary.  You may wrongly see Him as an angry force holding His gavel waiting to send you to hell for your sins!

Let's clear that up right now.  Jesus does not want anyone to go to hell for all eternity.  Yet hell is a real place - Jesus warned us about it a lot during His earthly ministry.

Therein lies the bad kind of fear of God when you don't know Jesus yet.  Yes, the One with absolute authority is the same one who holds the power of life and death in His hands.  But I reiterate, not as a despotic figure who relishes justice with any sort of bad intent.

But just He is!  He rules with perfect justice!  Another concept that we can't wrap our brains around because we rarely, if ever, see it in our world.

So Jesus is meek and mild, yes.  But another one of His names is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.  Hmm.  Lion.  King of the jungle.  Fears no one or nothing.

Jesus is a Lion!  He has authority over every living thing, the weather, the elements, the earth, humans, the planets and stars - you name it, He controls it!

I love, love, love this truth.  I am in awe of Him.  Words really can't describe His majesty.

Should we tremble before such a power?  If we have not been reconciled to Him, you betcha!

Remember, His desire is that none perish but all come to Him.  But the sad fact is that many have and will reject Him.  People prefer being their own god - that is the first sin of mankind - they were lied to by the deceiver, Satan, that they could be like God.  Really?!?  Are any of us all-powerful, all-knowing and omnipresent?!  It seems like such a ludicrous lie when you take it apart.  But in the moment, Eve fell for it hook, line, and sinker.  And indeed, she was sunk as all who came after her would be.

But!  Jesus provided a way back to Him!  What a power!  What a Savior!  What a loving plan!

As born again Christian followers of Jesus, we now are free from the bad fear of God and brought into the reverential fear of God - worshiping Him for Who He is in all of His power and glory.  Not all fears are equal.

So which side are you on?  Are you scared witless of what happens to you in the next life?  Because in case you didn't know, death is not the end, but only the beginning.  We will all live forever somewhere.

Why not settle it once and for all and be free from that unrelenting, back-of-your-mind fear?  Receive Christ today.  Ask Him into your heart.  No need to clean up your act.  Come as you are.  He'll do the cleaning up.  

Come to Jesus and find peace for your soul and an unshakable confidence that when you meet Him face to face, He will receive you into His Kingdom - never based on your "good works," but because you have been bought with the precious blood of the Lamb.  The Lion and the Lamb.  Remember, He's both.

Lord Jesus, we bow down to Your absolute authority.  We relinquish our hideous pride that keeps us from acknowledging You as Lord and Master of the universe; of us.  Thank You for being all-powerful and kind and gracious.  We look forward to Judgment Day because You have forgiven us and called us Your own, through the amazing sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus.  We love, adore, and fear You with a reverential awe and fear - the good kind.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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