Comparing, competing, and complaining

If you are reading further than the title, I'm guessing you found yourself in one or more of the title words. Maybe you are looking for a way out of these traps. Join the club!

Whether we do these things "on purpose" or they are simply part of our fallen nature, whether we have formed bad habits in any of these areas, or whether we don't even realize we are doing it - we are only harming ourselves in the process.

No one - and I repeat - no one is 100% happy with themselves.  And if they are, then their major issue is narcissism and conceit.  

So on some level, we are all prone to comparing ourselves with others, competing with others, or complaining about, well, just about anything or anyone.

Wait for it, I am getting to the good part!

There is hope!  The only way I know to combat these dirty demons is by focusing on Christ instead of others or self.  

We are unable to compare or compete with Christ - He is Lord!  And this is a wonderful thing.  For He is truly the only example we should have as a role model in life.  He not only holds the standard, He is the standard.

Unfortunately, we can still complain to Him.  He's a big guy.  He can handle it.  

But where does it get us?  Does it really feel all that good to kvetch?  Vent?  Air our discontent to our Creator?  

Job's friends wanted him to do just that.  But Job did not. And of all people, Job would have had the "right" to do so.  Job's "raw deal" was huge.  But God allowed it still.

We have one of the most beautiful verses in Scripture from poor, suffering Job.  Songs have been written on it.  We love to "claim" it for ourselves.

"I know that my Redeemer lives." Job 19:25

This from the most tormented man in Scripture.

It is so much more eloquent than the negative iteration, God's not dead.

Job could have given in to any one or all three of these negative ways of thinking.  He could have compared his current life to his past, more "blessed" life.  He could have compared his current life to that of his less holy friends (Lord, I am the righteous one!  Yet they have it "better" than I!)  And complaining?  Well he could have written a thesis on it.

So what are the antidotes to these three temptations?

Surrender, surrender, surrender.

Confession: even as I was typing the question here above, I had no idea what the antidotes were!  The Holy Spirit typed them through me.

I would have never come up with surrender!  I would have tried to find Scriptures to help overcome these vices.

But, as always, the Lord is so beautifully simple in His solutions.  

Surrender.  (huge sigh of relief)

Surrender to Christ on all counts.  We don't even have to overthink it (God help us all!).  Simply surrender into His arms.  Surrender our thoughts for His.  Surrender our wills and "rights."  Surrender ourselves.

Surrender gets a bad rap and is usually equated with losing.  But in this glorious case, we win - and we win big.

It's like that baby sheep being carried on its shepherd's shoulders.  All is well.  All is safe.  She can totally relax in the care of her loving shepherd.

Oh to be surrendered to Christ more than anything else!  

Lord Jesus, please forgive us when we compare, compete, and complain.  They have become so much a part of our culture that it goes without notice any more.  But Lord, You have called us to a higher life.  And the beautiful paradox to reach that life is surrender.  Help us focus on You, Lord, as our one and only role model and who we aim to please and emulate.  And as we surrender to You, fill us with Your wonderful peace, joy, and contentment as only You can.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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