What would Noah do?

What if Noah had gone around asking everyone he knew, "God told me to build an ark. What do you think I should do?"

It sounds crazy when we put it that way, yet that is exactly what we usually do when the Lord tells us to do something.

We know that 100% of the poeple would have advised Noah against building the ark. Why? Well, first of all, it had never rained on the earth yet, so they didn’t even know what rain was (including Noah). Second of all, it sounded just plain nuts!

How do I know that 100% would have been against Noah building the ark?  No one got on board.

What do we do when we know God is telling us to do something? Do we doubt that we heard from Him?  Do we doubt ourselves - our ability to carry out His orders?  Do we run to everyone we know for their "input?"


God knows exactly what He is doing.  We don't.  Remember, He sees the beginning from the end, so He knows what is about to take place up ahead.  We don't.  

So when He tells us to do something, speaks to our hearts and spirits in His still, small voice (inaudble yet indellible), we must do it.  In most cases, we must do it without the advice or counsel of others because they will either try to talk us out of it or muddy the waters in some other way.  

Even the most well-intentioned of our friends or family do not know the full counsel of God for our lives.  They most likely will not understand and therefore not be able to support God's will for us.  Especially when it makes no sense to the natural mind.

Following God can sometimes make us feel all alone.

But at the end of the day, we answer to God, not man.  

Noah chose (we always have a choice) to obey God no matter what the cost (time, energy, common sense, ridicule from others, reputation, etc.).  

Noah was not the only one in the Bible who chose to obey God.  But he is one that everyone knows about.  You can thank him for your life, because we are all here today because of Noah's decision to obey God fully.  

The human race went on because of one man's obedience to God.

We never know how far-reaching our obedience to God will be.  But that is not the point anyway.  We obey God in little and large things because He is God.  He is Lord.  We leave the consequences and results up to Him.

Won't heaven be fun?!  We will finally see all the ways our obedience to God helped to build His Kingdom! Yeehah!  Alleluia!

Lord, help me always obey You no matter the cost.  For You are worthy of my obedience, Father God.  You always know best. You are omniscient.  I pray for the grace and courage and faith to always trust and obey You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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