Exorcise, not exercise, the demons!

This phrase came to me while chewing on my turkey sandwich the other day.  

How on earth do we, or would we even want to, exercise demons?!  This means we give them strength.  How exactly do we do that?

First off, a gentle reminder that when we are in Christ, the devil cannot touch us. He will tempt and taunt us for sure, the filthy rat!  But he cannot touch us, bless the Lord. (See I John 5:18)

So how do we exercise the demons that taunt and tempt us? Let me count the ways!

1. Not forgiving others quickly and readily
2. Valuing pride, or being right, over humbly looking to Christ for validity
3. Rebelling against God willfully, thinking we know best or by not being willing to pay the cost of following Him wherever He leads, wholeheartedly
4. Ignoring God altogether
5. Staying angry because someone intentionally hurt you
6. Not being grateful 
7. Complaining
8. Envying, comparing, and gossiping

I'm sure there are countless other ways, but these will do for now!

So you can see how we "exercise" those nasty demons by what we choose to do, say, and think; what we choose to mull over in our minds again and again - like we're rehearsing for a horror show!

If you are a trainer at a gym, you know what it takes to get others in shape.  Hard work!  You give them directions and demonstrate how to do the exercises that will best tone and shape their bodies.

Now let's stick with that analogy when it comes to our thought life, which leads to our emotions and behavior - which leads to a life!

"How can I forgive him after what he did to me?"  

"She doesn't deserve to be forgiven."

Lift. More reps.  Heavier dumbell, please. Repeat.

Catch my drift? 

You are actually exercising, or strengthening evil - the tormenting demons taking shape as thoughts in your mind - whenever you choose to "live" in these thoughts.  

Too dramatic?  Have I gone too far?

Or are you the only person who has never had a wicked thought?  Uh, that would be Jesus, not you.  Not me.

"Holding a grudge - everybody does it - it's not that evil."  

"I have a right."

If you truly believe these, boy, are you deceived!  You are in enemy territory!

So how to exorcise instead of exercise?

Simply do the opposite in everything I listed above.

1. Forgive others quickly and readily (demon gone!)
2. Humbly look to Christ for validity (demon cast to hell!)
3. Pay the cost of following Him wherever He leads, wholeheartedly (demons really pissed off now)
4. Pay attention to God (ignore demons - they hate this because they want an audience)
5. Let go of your anger, give it to God (demons defeated!)
6. Give thanks in everything (demons boiling mad now!)
7. Don't complain.  Ever.  (demons are up in arms!)
8. Content and happy with how God made you and speaking only well of others (demons staying away from you already!)

Ahh.  Just typing these words out is freeing; makes me happy.


We have Amighty God living inside of us in the person of the Holy Spirit.  The demons are scared witless of Jesus because they know they're toast in His Presence!  The gospels are filled with accounts of demons showing fear when Jesus appears on the scene.  They knew their days were numbered!

Do we really believe that we have the same power as Jesus?  If we don't, we are contradicting Scripture, for Jesus said:

"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." John 14:12

I think visualizing what is really happening is powerful.  So next time we find ourselves thinking/living list #1, let's picture ourselves telling the demons to do more reps and get stronger.  Yuck!  No way!

No!  Let's instead picture them literally running like the devil away from us, fleeing, because we are exorcising them with our godly, Christ-centered thoughts, praising and worshiping God, obeying God, doing as God pleases so that we can live free, happy, and joyful lives unbound by nasty lying spirits/thoughts (which is what demons are).  

Let's leave the reps and dumbells for our physical workouts!  Let's recognize the difference between exorcising and exercising the nasty lying spirits (demons) that besiege our minds!  Choose wisely!

Lord Jesus, You paid the ultimate price so that Your Holy Spirit could come and live in us forever.  The Holy Spirit is You and vice versa!  He is also God - You are the great three-in-one God!  Help us remember this in the heat of the moment when dirty demons are trying to have their way in our thoughts.  Help us recognize them for what they are - toast in Your Presence!  And Your Presence resides in us.  Give us Your wisdom, Lord, to know when we are exorcising or exercising the demons that threaten our well-being.  And enable and empower us to behave in love always - for love is our greatest weapon against all evil.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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