From pigsty to plenty

You may be familiar with the story of the Prodigal Son in Scripture.  The rebellious son leaves the comfort and provision of his father to sow some wild oats.  But soon afterwards, he finds himself in a literal pigsty, miserable, lonely, and wondering why he left his dad in the first place.

Been there?  What "pigsty" have you found yourself in while searching for greener pastures?  And is what you were hoping to find by running away from God really that good?  Are you in denial of where you are?  Maybe you've decorated your pigsty so beautifully that you can almost believe that you're not really wallowing in slop and mud, but that everything is "alright."

But there is no real "alright" apart from God.  We're just not built to make that happen.

So here's a to-do list from the Lord to get out of the pit with the pigs and instead come back to a place of belonging at the Father's table.

1.  Sup with Me.  Spend quality time with Me.
2.  Trust Me!  Believe Me again.
3. Stop looking around you and look within.  All of the answers are there within you because I live within you.
4. Time spent with Me changes your mindset and you realize that you are welcome at My table of plenty.
5. No one and nothing is holding you back except for your skewed mindset.  You can think new thoughts, not project the past onto the future!
6. NO FEAR!!!
7. Speak up and speak out!  The words I give you are life and people need to hear them, whether or not they want to or "like" it.

The Prodigal eventually comes to his senses and wisely returns to his dad.  

How about you?  Have you come to your senses yet?  Are you ready to stop pretending that you are happy apart from your heavenly Father?  

Like the father in the parable, Jesus is waiting for you to come back to Him.  He stands waiting with open arms.  He won't condemn you for the choices that you made but instead shower you with His love, acceptance, mercy, and maybe even a party.

Stop looking for plenty where there is none.  The place of plenty is eating at the table with Jesus, in His Presence where true abundance is found.  

Why wallow with the pigs when a feast awaits you?  

Jesus says, Come back!  Come back!  Everything you're searching for is all found in Me.

Dear Lord, we can leave You, either for a moment or for a lifetime, to look for greener pastures.  But we find out, either sooner or later, that they offer no real peace, joy, love, or fulfillment as only You do.  Show us when we're heading for or are in a "pigsty" and lead us back to Your wonderful table where we can feast with You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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