Savior or Santa Claus?

Jesus is not Santa Claus.  This may seem an obvious statement.  Yet how often do we request things of God and expect Him to deliver what we want, when we want, in the same way that a child expects of Santa Claus?

Is your faith more grown up than that?  Are you sure?

What happens when we pray to the Lord asking Him to provide a healing, or deliverance, or provision but our answer does not arrive by "December 25th?"

Or we think because we've been "nice" girls and boys that God owes us.  C'mon.  You know you've done this.

 We place deadlines on God!

We could have all the faith in the world, but when God does not provide when and how we want, our faith is deflated.  

Now don't get me wrong.  Jesus loves when we come to Him with our requests - it shows our faith and childlike trust in Him.  But when we choose date markers of our own, well that is not what faith is about.

Why would a loving Father have us wait?  And wait and wait to give us what we think we want.  Doesn't the Father delight to give us good things, as a good earthly father does?

Yes, and then some.

But something gets reversed when we start thinking of the Lord as some cosmic Santa who is there mostly to grant our wishes and desires.  When we expect Him to do as we want, that is the reversal!  He is God.  He knows best.  He calls the shots.  And if He is not providing what, how, and when we like then it is for our best.

We are here for Him - to serve, honor, love, obey, and worship Him.  Yes, He asks things of us, too!  

A child sits back and waits to get.

An adult looks for ways to give.

Yes, we are His children.  And yes, we need Him desperately to do what only He can do in and for us.  He is the Giver of everything!  So it is not wrong to ask Him for provision, healing, or whatever else we desire.  He honors and delights in childlike faith.  Chlidlike, not childish.

But when the train gets off the track is when we focus more on the gifts than the Giver.  

He wants us to want Him, and this more than we want His gifts.

He is the Gift!  Let us not forget that!

What do you want Jesus to give you?  What are you expecting of Him?  What happenes when He doesn't come through for you how, when, and where you want Him to?  How we answer these questions reveals more about us than Him.

Let us see Jesus as He truly is - everything wonderful, holy, loving, and awe-inspiring that He is.  Let's come before Him in worship and adoration.  Then, when we get around to asking Him for what we want, our perspective and attitude will be in the proper place - expectant of His best when He deems appropriate and not a moment before.

Dear Lord, forgive us when we expect things of You as if You were there to serve us instead of vice versa.  We are a comfortable society getting more and more used to getting what we want with the swipe of our fingers across our iPhones.  You are not an instant God.  You never spoil Your children but always know exactly what to give us in Your perfect time.  Thank You for making us wait, Lord, for that is when we truly get to know You better and love You more.  Help us to look more to give than get and to place our hope not in Your answers or provision, but in You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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