Leave room for God
We're so capable. We like doing things ourselves.
But this is no longer a good thing when we elbow out God from the equation.
We can only do so much. God can do anything! Even the impossible!
In Matthew chapter 14, Jesus feeds thousands upon thousands of people from only five loaves of bread and two fish. It was a true miracle!
His disciples saw things as they supposedly were - their measly amount of food was not enough to even feed themselves, let alone thousands. So they wanted Jesus to send the people away - let them go get their own food!
Jesus saw otherwise.
Jesus always sees more than we do (understatement of all time). He not only sees possibilities but how to do the impossible where there are seemingly no possibilities.
I have no idea how He did it, but He did it! He took the five loaves and two fish and multiplied them - so much so that not only did He feed the 5,000 (but it was really more, counting women and children - more like 20,000), but there were leftovers!!!
And there were not just leftovers, but the perfect amount of leftovers - twelve basketfuls, one basket for each disciple.
I am so impressed by Jesus!!! Aren't you?
Only God can take what we have to give and multiply it in ways that we could never imagine.
So our capabilites are as nothing compared to the vast and limitless powers of God. Why not tap into it?
What are your "5 loaves?" Maybe you feel inadequate to accomplish some goals you have set for your life. As a Christian, this is a good thing! We are to have confidence, yes - but moreso in God than ourselves. Our competency comes from Him. After all, in Him we live, move, and have our being (see Acts 17:28).
So how exactly do we leave room for God to do His thing?
We let go.
We remove all barriers and limitations in our thinking and leave the rest up to Him. We commit our works to Him. We entrust Him with our works. We invite Him into our goal-making. We expect Him to multiply what we give Him because we know that only He can do above and beyond - more than we could ever do in and of ourselves.
In Matthew 14:16, when the disciples want the crowd to leave, Jesus tells the disciples, "You give them something to eat."
"We only have five loaves of bread and two fish," they say.
Jesus told them to bring the food to Him.
They could never have imagined what happened next!!!
So whatever little we have to give - and compared to God, it is always a little - when we give it to Jesus instead of trying to figure out a way or a solution on our own, He has room to do miracles!
Jesus looked up to heaven and gave thanks for the bread and fish. Then He broke the loaves. Then He gave them back to the disciples to give to the people. What an assembly line!
So we give everything we have and are to Jesus, however small or meager, then He gives thanks and blesses it beyond anything we could do on our own. But He breaks it first.
Broken dreams? No problem for Jesus. Broken past? Not an issue. Broken heart? Give it to Jesus.
Jesus knows exactly what to do with not only our gifts (our loaves and fish), but also with all of the broken things and places in our lives. And sometimes, He Himself does the breaking - but only to make something better happen to, in, and through us.
So don't hold too tightly to anything - not to your life, your hopes, dreams, gifts, all of it. Instead let Jesus have it all.
Then sit back and watch Him multiply what you give Him to become more than you could have ever done on your own.
Oh Lord. You are always Lord. You have not changed one bit. You are still able to multiply the loaves and fish that we bring to You. This is mind-blowing! Help us believe You for the impossible, O God. Take what we have to give and multiply it for Your glory, to feed others, and to do Your Kingdom work. Thank You for always knowing exactly what to do, O God. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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