Singing again!

You may or may not know but I have been fighting a very hard battle on the home front.  If I let it, it would have the power to crush me - like a tidal wave.

Not going into details, but suffice it to say that I feel absolutely powerless over this situation.  I have prayed, fasted, asked everyone I know to pray - and still, the waves keep coming.

In the past, at times, I let it all get to me.  I caved.  I got discouraged.  I doubted God's love for me.  Yes, me.

But you know what?  I'm here to tell you that my faith in God is actually being made stronger in the storm.  

I still trust God.

I still know that He loves me with an everlasting, deep, abiding love.

I still know that in His perfect time, He will calm the storm around me.  For now, He is training me to find the calm in the storm within me.

These are hard lessons, hard trials.

But I know that I know that I know that the Lord knows exactly what He doing in my life and in all the parameters of my life.  Ha, devil!  You lose!  

There are battles, then there is the overall war.  And friends, no matter what battles you are fighting - though the enemy may seem to win some of them - GOD WINS THE WAR!  Actually, He already won the war!  He defeated the devil and all of the devil's minions when He hung on the cross then rose from the dead!

The battle is real.  The battle can be fierce.

But we are MORE than conquerors through Him!  We are triumphant in Him!

Don't forget your second wind!

Keep seeking His face, His will, His guidance.  

He WILL lead us through, up, and over because He promises to!

Seek His wisdom and trust that He is on your side!  For if God be for us, who can be against us?!

All this to say that I am posting this little snippet of me singing the title song from my musical, "Knowing God" (which I recorded the other day, still in the storm!) to show you that:

Joy is possible in the storm
We can move forward in the storm
We can decide to do something positive in the storm
We can conquer in the storm
We can be fruitful in the storm
We can be made stronger in the storm

True confession:  I hate storms!  I much prefer peace and tranquility.

You rule over the surging sea;  when its waves mount up, you still them.  Psalm 89:9

The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea. Psalm 93:4

So you see, the Lord RULES over any storms in our lives.  Please believe this, friends.

Do not look elsewhere for your comfort and relief, for it is only found in Him.  Do not question His timing!  This is SO hard when you are in the thick of it!

Press on!  Walk on!  Sing on!  Love on!  Faith on!  Shift your attitude away from the waves and secure it onto Christ Jesus!

Oh Lord.  You know each struggle, each battle we face.  You know the length of each trial, for You are Lord over each one.  Show us our part, Lord, when we feel helpless.  Help us never to run ahead or try to escape when You are working Your will amidst the storm.  Help us persevere and become strong in You, O God!  Help us to hold on to You!  Help our faith grow so mighty that nothing and no one will ever be able to crush it!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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