Strong in God's strength

Our power and strength have limits.  Our strength is no match for an Omnipotent God.  So why do we continue on as if we have it all together?  

God brings us to situations where we realize our utter dependence on Him.  Not to humiliate us, but to strengthen us!

Once we realize just how weak we are - powerless to change certain parameters of our lives - that is when, if we have any sense at all, we turn to Christ for help.

They say there are no atheists in a nose-diving plane!

But we don't even have to wait for such a dire circumstance to come to our senses.  We can choose Christ here and now.

The apostle Paul was a brilliant man.  Yet once he met Christ, he was forever "ruined," if you will, to ever believe in himself to any extent again.

That's what happens when we encounter the living God for ourselves.  We are undone.

Who can stand against Omnipotence?  No one!

So what does this type of all out surrender look like?  Well, in Paul's life, he became an unstoppable force for Christ!  That wasn't weak but very strong!

Jesus was the most humble human to walk this earrh.  Though He was also fully God, He realized His utter dependence on His Father.  Therein lay His power and strength.

Same holds true for us!

The more dependent we are on Him, the more powerful we are!  I know!  It's nuts!

But it's true!  I've seen it personally in my own life over and over.  When I surrender to Jesus' power, authority, and wisdom, miracles happen!  Things I could never accomplish on my own, in and of myself, He does for and/or through me!

Oh we still have a part to play, make no mistake.  It's just not the part we think it is.  We usually think our part is as Captain.  Not!

If even Paul, for how brilliant he was (much moreso than you or I), could surrender to Christ, then how much more should we?

Smart people surrender to Christ!  Actually, that is the smartest thing anyone can do!  For that is when God's power is most abundantly manifested in our lives - when we give Him full sway.

It's an exchange of sorts - our smarts for His.  Our "power" for His.  Our plans for His.  All of it!  The whole kit and kaboodle! 

The more we give Him, the more powerful we become - not in and of ourselves, but in His power!  

So why would we settle for our own puny wherewithal when we could tap into His?!

Wanting to feel like we are in control is a losing battle - if not right away, then ultimately.  

Paul admitted that he was weak.  Here he was - someone who could have easily gone through life very successfully as a teacher of the Law - admitting that compared to Christ's power and wisdom, he was as nothing.

So if someone as accomplished as Paul could admit this, surely we can!

What is holding you back?  Afraid of losing control?  Control of what?!  

If you could but taste His awesome riches for even a second, you would lay it all down for Him.

As we bow down to Christ, we are made whole, well, put in our right mind.  Though it seems the oppostie would happen - that we would become weak - it is through surrender to Him that we become strong!  Stronger than we could ever be on our own!

I suggest not putting it off one more moment.  Give in to Christ and watch His power infuse your life.  You will not regret it.  For He is worthy!

Dear Lord.  We foolishly think that we can have it all together without You.  But that just isn't true! It is when we surrender to You - Your goodness, wisdom, power, and love - that we find true life.  Please help us realize just how weak we are so that Your power can be made perfect in us.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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