Following dead authors on amazon

Do you follow any writers on amazon?  When you do, amazon sends you email alerts when an author releases a new book.  Pretty cool.

So why would I follow a dead author?  

Because their works are almost always deeper and richer in theology than any living author.  No, they cannot write any "new" works, obviously!  But there are publishers, God bless them, who still compile their writings, sermons, what have you, and publish them for us.  

Yes, I also read current works.  But I've noticed that writers nowadays make it mor about "me."  Am "I" reaching my destiny?  Are "we" reaching our full potential?

I don't see that sort of reasoning anywhere in the Bible.  Not in the Old Testament or the New.

Because it's not about us, folks.

I defy you to find the word "potential" in the Bible.  You won't.  Not in any translation.  I checked.

Jesus was not a philisopher telling us to "be all we can be."  His message was totally radical from any other message ever heard before or since.

This is mainly because He is God.  That alone should make us stand up and listen.

Our souls are hungry for God whether we know it or not.  So anything we read that has more of God in it, and therefore less about "me," we are fed and satisfied.

It is SO the opposite of what all "self-help" books preach!  They would have us believe that the more we focus on self, the more fulfilled and "realized" we become.  I know. I've read some of them.  But you won't recognize the idocy in them until you have enough of Scripture in you to know what's what.  Is there any truth in them at all?  That's the scary part.  There's just enough of truth in there to make you believe it has any worth.

But I digress!

We are all fascinated with ourselves!  This is called ego.

Am I saying that the writers of old never dealt with the ego?  No.  But there was a depth to them, an authentic hunger for God and His ways, His truth, His revelation.  

That is why I am drawn to writers who lived mainly in the 1800's, early 1900's.  

For example, a favorite devotional of mine is "Joy & Strength." It includes works of dead authors compiled by Mary Wilder Tileston.  Like many of my most valued treasures, I picked it up at a used book shop for $5 many years ago.  It is priceless to me.  In it, I have discovered many brilliant authors whose words live on many years after their death.  

Today's writing included a paragraph by Charles Gore.  It had so much truth and substance to it that I Googled his books.  I found volumes by him.  He was a theologian born in England in the mid-1800's.  I just ordered the Kindle version of his writing (co-authored by the brilliant Oswald Chambers) on the Sermon on the Mount.  Check it out here: (affiliate)

And here is the link to the wonderful devotional, which I highly recommend:  (affiliate)  Check out the price!  Why are all the real gems so cheaply priced?!

Anyway, I highly endorse following dead authors on amazon.  True riches await you if you do!

Dear Lord.  Thank You for providing such a wealth of good works that glorify You.  Thank You for leading me to them.  Help me to digest what they write so that I may live more fully surrendered and connected to You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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