Forgiveness is a habit


Like any other behavioral pattern we establish, I believe that forgiveness can become a habit for us, too.

Instead of our knee-jerk reaction being anger when someone harms us, we can go straight away to forgiving them.

How is this possible?  Practice.  Like any other habit, we need to practice it until it becomes second nature - or better yet, first nature!

Think back on how many millions of times Jesus has forgiven you your sins.  Do I exagerrate when I say millions?  Maybe.  Maybe not!

And when we come to Jesus asking His forgiveness, has He ever once denied us His grace?  This is miraculous, if you ask me!  Does He "hold it over our heads" for a few days until He decides to pardon us?  Thankfully, never!  Can you even imagine?!  It would be torment to our souls if Jesus did not at once forgive and restore us!  And of all people, Jesus has the "right" and power to withhold forgiveness and instead "make us pay."  But He does not. What a Savior!  What a Friend!  What a Supreme example He has set for us to follow!

Yes, but He is Jesus, you may say.  And what are we when we are Christians?  I believe one of the definitions of Christian is actually "little Jesus."  We are to be as Christ!  His heart, reflecting Him in our thoughts, words, and deeds.

Impossible?  Actually in and of ourselves, yes, it is!  But God!  But with God all things are possible for us!  Because we have His resurrection and gracious power at work in us, living inside us via the Holy Spirit.  So we are without excuse!

So who do you need to forgive?  Who are you holding their wrongs against them?  What good is it doing except eating away at your soul and ripping you off from God's peace?

Let it go, friend.  It's not worth it.  Really.

You may think that by you forgiving someone that it "lets them off the hook."  And in a sense, you are right.  But it lets them off of your hook, not God's!  So yes, God is gracious and forgiving. But let's not forget that other side of God!  He also says, "Vengeance is Mine. I will repay!"

So you see the Lord is not some softsoap wishy washy kind of God, either.  He hates injustice even more than we do.  But He also values our holiness and the condition of our hearts above all.

Therefore, He says, in a sense, "You let it go.  Forgive them.  Now I will see to it that you are vindicated in My time."  And I have seen Him hold true to His word many times over in my own life.  

So when you hold on to bitterness, you are actually preventing God from avenging you as only He can.  Let go and let Him!  But when He does, make sure that you are not happy about it, and don't gloat.  But give Him thanks for knowing what is best in each and every situation in your life.  And move on!

And you know what?  Even if you never see true justice this side of heaven, do not despair.  Forgive others anyway!  Why?  Because God commanded us to.  And whatever God commands is always for our good.  Trust that one day, the Lord will make everything right.

Habits.  Good and bad, we all have them.  So let's commit to forming the forgiveness habit.  I promise that you will be very glad you did.

Oh Lord.  When I think of the tremendous mercy You have shown me throughout my life, I am in awe of Your love and grace towards me.  For I could never repay what I owe you.  I could never praise and thank You enough for Your amazing grace toward me.  So I pray that You would empower me to always, without exception, forgive those who trespass against me.  For it is then that I will have Your peace and know Your pleasure.  Help me guard my heart in this way, Lord, and not give the devil a foothold.  Help me form and keep the habit of forgiveness.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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