How my problems help you

I can't tell you all the reasons why God allows so many trials in my life.  But I believe that He wants to redeem each one of them and use them for His purposes.

Enter, readers.

When I write about my woes and how God is transforming me through them, or when I write about His victory over a certain situation or obstacle, or even when I write about longstanding unanswered prayers, or how I struggle with doubt, they are all for your benefit!  How?

We all need to know that we're not the "only ones" with the problems that we have, whether internal or external.  We need someone to relate to what we are going through so we don't feel alone, or strange, in our suffering.

What is your testimony?  It could be that you haven't reached it yet.  

Joseph in the Old Testament had a 15-year long trial when he was wrongfully imprisoned.  There, he met with more tests and trials than most of us will ever endure.  

In the midst of his imprisonment, Joseph's testimony was being formed.  It wasn't "over" yet.  Joseph passed each of God's tests with flying colors.  Eventually, he was made second in command of all of Egypt, Pharaoh's righthand man.  

His testimony was this:  God gave him a dream as a boy.  But getting to that dream, seeing the fruition of it, was harder than Joseph could have ever imagined.  He could have given up at any point.  After all, his life was very, very hard in that prison.  He could have gotten fed up.  He could have lost faith.  He could have lost his dream and thought, "Well, this is just my life."  But Joseph didn't give up!

All of these things can be true of us when we are enduring a longer-than-expected season of trials and tribulations.  We are tempted to give up, to get discouraged, to doubt God.

But I believe that our testimony is just around the corner!  It must be, because God is a faithful God!  He doesn't waste anything and His timing is perfect.  Though He seems late - a lot of the time! - He never is.  

When our trials seem long and drawn out, when my trials seem long and drawn out, I believe it is because the Lord wants to use me to tell others to WAIT!  Hang in there.  Hold on.  Don't give up.

These sayings are not new - we've heard them all before from countless other sources.

But if you are here, reading these words, then I must believe that you need them here, now, for such a time as you are going through in your life.  Or you will need them at some point in your life.

I am determined to stick with God no matter what.  Some days, it's not easy.  I'd just as soon throw in the proverbial towel and call it quits.  After all, a person can only take so much!

But the Holy Spirit inside me nudges me forward.  The Holy Spirit gives me hope, even when there seems like nothing to hope for or in.

What about you?  Where and when are you tempted to give up on God?  How long are you willing to endure suffering and trials for His sake?  Yes, for His sake!  His reputation is at stake in our lives.  And His plans have yet to be fulfilled in our lives.  So we mustn't give up just because our "prison years" are lasting longer than expected.

We've all had a taste of "prison" these past couple of years what with Covid and the lockdowns and isolation.

The scary part is, I'm starting to forget what life was like before all of this.  And I am not imagining life ever getting back to that place of "normal."  Like it or not, we are living in a "new normal."

This pandemic was a worldwide trial, if you will; testing us to our core.  Where did we draw our strength?  How did we endure?  I believe we get through this like we do any other trial: faith, prayer, staying close to God, and trusting Him no matter what.  Without those qualities, I'm not sure how people get through these kinds of times.

So when any of us go through various problems and pains, we have a choice.  We can wallow, or get angry, or lash out, or what have you.  Or we can let our on-the-way-to-our-testimony vibe conquer all!

You are not alone.  What you are going through is common to man, especially if you are a Christian.  Let God transform you into His image.  Let God form in you the character that He longs to form.  We are here for His purposes and glory. Don't let the devil win!  

There is light at the end of our tunnel!  And it is glorious!

Oh Lord.  How much longer?  When will this season end?  Do you care that we are hurting?  Yes, You do.  But You also care about our spiritual growth and preparing us for what lies ahead.  Help us to stand strong in You and not give up, especially when we are at the end of our rope!  Help us endure, like Joseph, and come through with flying colors.  Give us a wonderful testimony to share with others!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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