Using God's gift of intuition wisely

God is Omniscient.  So not only does He know everything that is happening at all times with everyone, everywhere, but He knows the beginning from the end.  The end was already written and given to us as a precious gift in the book of Revelation, if you dare read it.

For the saint, the book of Revelation is a book of praise, worship, and honor to our glorious eternal King! It tells of our glorious future with Him for which He provided and paved the way!  For the sinner, it is a terrifying revelation of what is to come.  And believe it or not, it will come.

When we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, we have God Himself living inside us.  Now we are not omniscient, only God is.  But He does reveal to us what we need to know out of His endless intel storehouse.

So when we get a premonition, or intuit something about someone or an event, that is a gift from God, His eternal, all-knowing Spirit.

What we do with it matters.

If it is a revelation about evil in another person, we have a choice to make.  We can judge them or wish them harm or whatever.  

Or, and this is the higher and better choice, we can pray for them.  We can go to God about it and give it back to Him.  He may be letting us in on this info to protect us, to show us who's who because you know what?  We don't always know this in and of ourselves.

Wolves can dress up like sheep, remember?

So when antagonists show up in our lives, as they are wont to do when we are wholeheartedly following Christ, what's a girl to do?

Seek His face.  Ask Him how He wants us to think on this person or situation.  Ask for His protection.  Ask Him to show us the next step, if indeed we are to make a move at all.

Jesus dealt with antagonists His entire earthly life.  And to this day, He still has many enemies - enemies of His truth, His cross, His righteouseness, His Lordship.  Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (whether they want to or not).  

His Lordship, His majesty and splendor will be revealed for all to see - perhaps sooner than we think.

So how exactly did Jesus deal with His haters when He walked this earth?  Remember, Jesus' love was not a mushy, gushy kind of love as some like to think.  Yes, God is love.  But His attributes do not end there!

He is also perfect justice and perfect wisdom and so much more.  Never have we known, nor will we ever know, such a being who is total goodness, total love, total righteousness, total purity, and total justice.  All of these qualities are found in the Lord Jesus Christ and in Him alone, whom God has chosen to dwell in fully with all of His Deity and Personality,

"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form."  Colossians 2:9

Jesus always knew who was who.  He was never taken off guard or by surprise by those who wanted Him dead.

He knew His purpose was to die for all mankind, to save us from our sins, and to restore us back to right relationship with God.  So when the time came and the "powers that be" were about to crucify Him, He didn't fight back (though boy, He could have!).  

No.  Jesus knew that Pontius Pilate was but a pawn in the Hand of God, in God's plan for salvation.  Judas played his part, too.  None of it was a surprise to all-knowing Jesus.

But Jesus never defended Himself.  I guess when you are God, you don't need to.

Jesus knew He would have to go through hell, literally, as part of His mission but that eventually, He would rule and reign at the right hand of His Heavenly Father.


When God reveals your enemies to you and their wicked and unwarranted plots and schemes against you, take heart!  They are all but pawns in God's hands - from the most "powerful" to the least.  Remember that those who are without Christ are antagonists to His followers.  

There is only one Scripture in all fhe Bible where we are told that God laughs.  And do you know what He laughs about?  The "powers" of the earth.  Why?  Because compared to His Omnipotence, they are as ants - all of them.  (see Psalm 2:4 - go on and look it up)

So I encourage you to do the same next time your haters act as though they have the upper hand.  Laugh!  God laughs.  He also avenges us, when necessary.

The problem with most is that they think they can get away with their sin.  They see it happening all around them in the world so they scoff and question God's control over mankind.

But there will come a day!  God will settle the score as only He can.  He will separate the sheep from the goats.  He will rule with Omnipotence and for those of us who truly belong to Him, we will know eternal bliss under His reign and rule.  We will even rule and reign with Him.

Holy Spirit revelation, which some may think of as intution or premonition, is a gift from God to show us His wisdom, to remind us that He is always in control, that He is always protecting us, and that we never need to defend ourselves or take matters into our own hands.  We can't do better than an Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent God!

Oh Lord.  You are good.  I praise and worship You for Your Omniscience.  Thank You for revealing to me what I need to know and when.  Thank You that nothing takes You by surprise.  Thank You that when I obey You and not take matters into my own hands that I can always trust You to put things right, whether immediately or in time.  Thank You for being our example in this, Lord Jesus.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.


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