Your past does not dictate your future

When we look back to our past for answers, sometimes it is helpful, sometimes not so much.

The trick is to know which is which.

They say if you don't know history that you are doomed to repeat it.  And there is some sense to that.

We learn from our mistakes, not our successes.  I love Edison's quote about his invention of the light bulb (I realize that he actually may or may not have invented the light bulb, but bear with me):

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”  Thomas Edison

What isn't "working" in your life right now? Have you given up?  Have you looked to the past and figured, "Why bother?  It didn't work out then, so why would it work now?"

Looking back can paralyze us.  It did Lot's wife - she literally turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back instead of moving on and forward as God commanded them to.

Our minds are extremely powerful.  They can create scenarios that may or may not happen.  Our imaginations are tainted, however, by trials we've been through, life events that may have left us traumatized, situations that never panned out the way we'd hoped.

Maybe you're a positive thinker - glass half full kind of stuff.  That's great.  But the longer you live, and the more things that go "wrong," past experiences can leave us more in the glass half empty category.  

Whatever your perspective, the awesome news is that change is possible!  That is the beauty of how God wired our brains!  

When we let our past dictate our future, we not only limit ourselves, but limit God, too.  Why would God come through for me in that way when He never has in the past?  Have you ever thought that way?  

I have great faith - it is the gift of God, so I can't take credit for it.  But there were times when I believed God for things and they never happened.  So it wasn't for lack of faith, but the fact that God always holds veto power.  If He hasn't answered a prayer the way I want, then I also have the faith to believe that it is because:

- it wasn't in my best interest
- I was shortsided to see how the answer would have ruined me
- it is not yet the right time
- He has better in mind

And the list goes on.  

All I know is that the apostle Paul did not let his past dictate his future.  Not one bit!  He could have wallowed in his very serious past mistakes and sins, but he didn't.  As far as we know from His writings, Paul was not one to look back at all.  And oh, the fruit his life bore!

"But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14

I am not suggesting living in denial of our past.  I am promoting not dwelling on the past.  

Learn from your mistakes, ask the Holy Spirit to cleanse you from harmful past memories, and move on!

If you're not sure what the next move is, ask the Hoy Spirit to guide you and then wait and see what He does.  He may or may not give you specific details.  And if He gives you a lifelong picture, you still don't know how long it will take and how He chooses to get you there.  I have never read of anyone with the testimony of a 5-year, mapped out plan from God!  And if they got one, I can guarantee you there were plenty of detours.  

God is God!  We are not!  We are not supposed to know all of the future in order to move forward in our calling and destiny.  He wants our trust and faith in Him, not in a plan or in ourselves!

So let's seek God.  Trust God.  Obey God.  And leave the rest up to Him!

Oh Lord.  Life can be so stressful.  No one's future is ever for certain or known except by You.  Thank You that you do not reveal all things to us, or else we couldn't handle it!  Thank You for leading us step by step. Thank You that we do not have to let our past keep us paralyzed with fear for the future.  Thank You that You make everything beautiful in its time and that You are about making us into Your masterpiece!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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