Being led by the Spirit

Some of us are natural born leaders.  But that doesn't get us off the hook when it comes to our relationship with Christ.

Jesus is the Leader.  And when leaders follow the Leader, all is well.  Oh we ruffle many feathers along the way - after all, the real Jesus offended many when He walked this earth.  But our humility is tied into our connection to Christ. 

Jesus was the most humble person ever.  Yet He was all-powerful, very bold, and He knew Who He was.  He is God's one and only begotten Son.  He of all people could have "lorded" His Lordship over us.  But He came to serve us.  He was a natural born Leader.  He led by example.  He led by teaching others truth.  He had many followers not because of His charisma and charm, but because there was something about Him.  People could not deny (although they tried!) His Presence had a power about it as never seen before.

He not only healed the sick, raised the dead, gave sight to the blind, but He forgave people their sins.  This last item was blasphemy according to the Pharisees (the religious leaders of Jesus' day) because only God could forgive sins.  They were spot on in that regard.  That is precisely why Jesus had the power and authority to forgive sins - He was, and is, and always will be God.

Jesus was such a great Leader because He was led by God.  He listened to God.  He obeyed God.  He knew God.  Jesus didn't try to lead, He simply did.  Some found His grace, humility, power, extreme wisdom and knowledge irresistable. Others, not so much.  But those "others" had too many issues that they were not willing to let go of in order to follow Christ.  Some things never change.

So what's your excuse for not following Jesus wholeheartedly?  I'm not talking about churchgoing here.  That is something else altogether.  We will be surprised when we get to heaven to see just how many faithful churchgoers didn't make it.  Jesus said it Himself in Matthew 7:23.

No, following Jesus is so much more than ticking the church box.

The Pharisees' excuse for not following Jesus was their pride.  They already knew it all.  Yes, some today still feel they know more than Omniscient God!  Go figure!

Others were unwilling to give up their worldly position, power, and possessions.  How foolish!  This life is over in the blink of the eye!  Yet some put more value in the fleeting pleasures of this life than in an everlasting relationship with Jesus.  Again, go figure!

Solomon told us that there is nothing new under the sun, and boy was he right!  (see Ecclesiastes 1:9) People pretty much have the same reponses to Jesus nowadays, too.  There are only so many responses we can have.  

Now lest you think that some of us are somehow holier because we follow Jesus, think again!  He chose us, not the other way around.  We love, serve, and follow Jesus because He called us, chose us, and set us apart for Himself.  Our "goodness" had nothing to do with it!  I mean did you ever think about the sorts of people that Jesus chose?!  The most motley group you will ever see!  But He's got to pick somebody!

Are you beyond being led?  Can anyone tell you what to do?  Some are more teachable than others.  But even the smartest of the bunch need a Savior.  The apostle Paul was extremely brilliant - educated and knowledgeable, etc., etc. - and it was precisely because he was so smart that he realized that he needed to follow and know Jesus as the only way to real life.

It takes practice, this being led by the Spirit.  We are all wired to do our own thing, want our own way, and not to listen.  But that wiring is of the flesh.  As Christ-followers, we have been re-wired!  His Spirit in us is what gives us the desire and ability to follow Christ.  But we can still choose to disobey or ignore it.  This is to our peril.

Nope.  The best thing to do is to keep practicing being led by the Holy Spirit.  For only He knows what lies ahead, what is best for us, and can use us as He sees fit to heal, serve, and bless others when we follow His lead.

Dear Lord, life is a series of decisions.  We make millions of them in our lifetimes.  But the best decision we can make, and keep making, is to choose to follow You.  Not a list of rules and regulations, but You!  For "keeping the rules" is a natural result of following You.  We don't try harder, we submit more.  For there is nothing inside of us apart from You that wants to keep the rules!  So we yield to Your Spirit and then we are able to live in such a way that pleases You, glorifies You, and ministers to others.  Help us to listen to You and yield to Your Spirit more and more each day, Lord.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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