How do we build God's Kingdom?

As Christians, we know that we are here for eternal purposes.  Yes, we have works to do here and now. But mostly, since this life is but a breath, the Lord wants us to be forward thinkers!  Forward doers!

His Kingdom will have no end.  Jesus will rule and reign forever!  Everything that our souls have desired in this broken world during our imperfect lives will find fulfillment and fruition in His Kingdom.

Peace, love, joy, no conflict, no more natural disasters, no more death, no pain, and so much more!  It's hard for us to even imagine such a place, so opposite it is to what we know in this life.

But it's coming!  And you will either be a part of it, or you won't.

That part will remain similar:  just as we cannot physically live in two places at the same time, neither will anyone be able to live both in His Kingdom and elsewhere!

So who wants in?

There are many "kingdoms" of this world - none of which will last, none of which will fulfill us, none of which are worth living and dying for, like God's Kingdom is.

There are no everlasting kingdoms this side of heaven.  So it would stand to reason that we should pursue that Kingdom which will last forever!

So how do be add to, or build, God's Kingdom?

One way is to use your gifts and talents and invest them all in Jesus, His Kingdom, and eternity.  Do not use them for selfish gain but to honor the Lord and to broadcast, for lack of a better word, His gospel, His goodness, His truth, His message.

There are countless ways that we can lead others to Christ.  Leading others to Christ brings them into His Kingdom!  It's pretty simple.

If you don't believe in life after death, then all of this is mere nonsense to you.  But it's true whether or not you believe it!  All of us were made to live forever by our loving Creator who wants to be with us forever!  Yes, us!

I honestly can't see how those who only live for this life have any real lasting peace at all.  They know it's coming - death, that is.  Even if you could accomplish everything you wanted to in this life, it will still end!  Then what?  That's what I want you to think about!

Every contribution ever made to mankind served a good purpose, but only for now.  Am I grateful for the invention of electricty?  You betcha!  And the list could go on and on regarding inventions that God inspired man to create to make life better for us here and now.

But the Lord wants us to see beyond the here and now so that He can prepare us for eternity!  It's not a copout for us to give up on this life.  We still have work to do here!  What I'm getting at is this;  will our work last beyond this world?  

We have jobs to work, money to earn, in order to survive, obviously.  But I want to also be at work building His Kingdom because it lasts forever!  We will still have work to do there!  But I imagine it will be without the "sweating of the brow," as we work here since the curse of the fall.  No more curse in the Kingdom!  Alleluia!

And there will be no need for money there.  I know.  We can't imagine that, either!  It will be work, fun, play, joy all at once!  No bills to pay.  No mortgage to owe.  No want of any kind.

Who woultn't want to be there?!  Yet millions reject the Lord's offer of His Kingdom.  They may think it's all pie in the sky, or whatever.  But it is real and it is coming!!!

Won't you join this wonderful plan of God?  Won't you join His Kingdom here and now?  Yes, it is eternal, but we can "live" there here and now internally.  Knowing Jesus brings us the righteousness, peace, and joy of His Kingdom here and now!  And we also want to bring others there with us forever!  Yeehah!

Oh Lord.  You didn't have to do it.  You didn't have to include us in Your glorious eternal Kingdom.  But You did and You do!  None of us are worthy to live there, yet You made a way by dying on the cross for our sins, making us right with You so that we may not only inherit Your Kingdom, but rule and reign there with You!  Thank You, thank You, thank You, dear Lord! In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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