How to slay your giants

We've all heard of the metaphorical "giants" in our lives - we are to name them, overcome them - such as fear, worry, doubt, anxiety, and so on.

Giants are big!  That is a fact.  There are situations, people, and such in our lives that are big.  Huge, even!

If we don't know how to defeat or face our giants, we will feel overwhelmed, or scared, or try to avoid them at all cost.

David did none of these.  Was David afraid when he saw Goliath?  He sure didn't act it!  But how could David, this small, shepherd boy, be so fearless when facing a 9' monster?

Not only did David face Goliath, he ran straight at him!  He was the only one that was willing to take on the Philistine.  

I don't think David was an overthinker!  I think he simply knew the Lord and His omnipotence.  He was zealous for God and didn't like anyone - not even a beast like Goliath - taunting God's people as if he were greater than God Alnighty!

David acted.  He did something about it.  If he looked at himself compared to Goliath physically, he was nuts for trying to take Goliath on!

His friends were of no help to David, either.  They offered him a suit of armor to wear.  Makes sense in the natural.  David appeased them and tried on the armor.  But he ended up casting it off!  It didn't fit him and it only weighed him down.

No.  David would fight this battle on God's terms, which meant to rely fully on God for His power, protection, and provision.  Enter five smooth stones. Turns out he only needed one to defeat the giant!  God's aim is perfect.  God doesn't miss.  And it was God teaming up with David to take Goliath down in one shot!  Ready, aim, fire!  Bullseye!  

God gave David all the spunk and wisdom that he needed to defeat the boasting Philistine.  Takeaway?  When we are filled with the Lord's Spirit, we can't be beat!  We can face any giant in our lives with His precision, power, and wisdom.  But it is His wisdom and power working through us, not our own.

David came at Goliath in the power of the Lord!  In the Name of the Lord!  God's reputation was at stake (like when Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal).  And when we defend the Lord's reputation, He will come in and win through and for us!

There is no giant too great for God!  There are plenty that are too great for us.  But when we go with God, we will win!  

So if we follow David's example in how to slay a giant, here's how he did it:

1. Don't overthink!
2. Don't look at the situation in the natural
3. Believe God is with you
4. Take action
5. When you are defending God's reputation, you win
6. Size doesn't matter!
7. Believe the "stone" you release will take out your giant immediately!
8. Come against the giant in God's power
9. God will give us wisdom with the how and what
10. God will supply the "stones" that we need

Could it be this simple?  It worked for David!

Remember, David wasn't going into his battle alone.  Oh, he appeared to be alone.  But the Hand of the Lord was on him!  The power of God was in him!

What looked like a losing battle, an impossibility in the natural, ended up being one of the greatest stories that is told to this day - by believers and unbelievers alike.  The secret that we believers know is that the crucial part of the story is God.  It's all about God, really, like every other story's underlying power.

God slayed the giant through David!  God will not be mocked, friends.  Goliath was a mocker.  You may have some mockers in your life.  They may even appear to be getting away with it.  Maybe you've been fighting the same giant for years now and you don't have faith to believe that one little "stone" will do the trick.

We don't fight our spiritual battles with physical means.  But our "stones" are prayer and the Word of God! We can "throw" a verse out in the airwaves and it is destroying strongholds, giants, and anything else that comes against us, though we don't see it in the natural.  So yes, it is a bit trickier fighting an unseen battle than an obvious one.  

But speaking God's Word out loud is more powerful than we can imagine!  Remember the Word is God Himself!  This is more than "naming and claiming!"  This is putting your faith in the exact place where it belongs: in the power of God.

This is how we take action against our giants.  A very powerful Scripture to say out loud is Isaiah 54:17: "No weapon formed against you shall prosper."  Only say it from your standpoint: No weapon formed against me shall prosper!

Keep at it!  Don't give up!  The devil is a loser.  God is the Victor!  Follow His lead and you will defeat your giants!  Go with God!

Thank You, Lord, for being the Victor!  There is none mightier than You, O Lord.  Help us step out in faith and run toward the giants in our lives filled with Your power and authority!  And we will watch as they fall under Your Omnipotence!  Alleluia!  In Jesus' Name. Amen.


  1. This goes along with what I've been studying in the mornings, The Armor of God. Been learning HOW to put on that armor and why we need to.


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