Most people leave this part out

This is a favorite verse among many Christians.  I think it is because there is so much hope and power in it.  We can't ask of God too much because He is limitless in His power and abilities.

But it's easy to stop short and only dwell on the "exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond all that we can ask or think" and leave out the rest of the verse which says, "according to His power that is at work within us."

His power, not ours.  

So the key becomes are we letting His power work in and through us?  Fully?  What are some things that "clog up" the works?

1. Self-sufficiency
2. Pride
3. Wanting control
4. Continuing in sin 
5. Holding grudges
6. Gossip
7. Strife
8. Laziness

And the list goes on, which is basically a list of walking in the flesh, not the Spirit.

Oh everyone wants His power, but few are willing to lower themselves, humbles themselves, and admit their frailty and weakness in order to access His power!

We want the Lord to exceedingly and abundantly answer all of our prayers.  But why?  So we can be "successful?"  What are our motives behind praying this prayer, or "claiming" this Scripture?

To be fulled to full measure with the fullness of God, is what the previous Scripture says.  But again, if we are too full of other things - self, the lust for money, etc., etc. - then God's power will not live in us.  And God is not compelled to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we ask or think if we are walking in the flesh or wanting His power out of impure motives.

Remember, it's all about the heart with God.  That's all He really cares about - our hearts.

And our hearts are the most unwieldy of things ever!  

In order for the power of God to work within us and work its way out in us in exceedingly and abundant ways, we must give up control.  Let Him have full sway.  Admit and know that we are not the captain of our life's ship, but Christ is Captain.

We can't have it both ways!  Either He is Captain or we are.  Jesus said that we can never serve two masters.  So we must pick!

And once we decide, we must keep on deciding.  We die daily.  It's not a once and for all deal, though I wish it were!  No.  It is a daily battle, friend.  The self doesn't die easily!  Crucifixion hurts.  And crucifying our flesh hurts.

But!!  But with Christ, on the other side of death, there is life!  Abundant life!  That abundand and exceeding kind of life that Paul is talking about here.  Not the outer accoutrements, but the inner gold of peace with Christ, peace in Christ, peace in our hearts because He rules and reigns there.

So next time you "claim" or want these verses to be a reality in your life, please remember it in its entirety.  Don't stop at the exceeding and abundant part, but be willing to let His power rule in your life and heart and watch Him work His exceedingly abundant good works through you!

Dear Lord.  I pray that You do exceedingly well Your powerful works in and through us that You may be glorified.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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