We will fly!


Today is a song day!  I've been studying about Christ's coming back for us and wanted to encourage you to think on the same.  I wrote this Scripture song, "We Will Meet in the Air" on I Thessalonians 4:17-18.  

First of all, the thought of flying excites me!  Yeehah!  And with no fear because we will be held in the absolute power of our Lord Jesus Christ as we fly outta here!

Stop and think on that for a moment.  The power of Christ is powerful enough, and then some, to literally raise the dead out of their graves to bring them with Him to heaven.  Then, we're next!  The millions of us who belong to Jesus will be Raptured with Him - He will lift millions of us up, flying heavenward to be with Him!  Talk about power!

For those left behind?  All will see, experience, know in that moment that Jesus Christ is Lord.  They will have "missed the boat" - and this is the perfect analogy because Christ compares His return to the days of Noah and how all but Noah and his family literally missed the boat - his ark!  

Jesus is the Ark!  Get on board before it's too late!

The Word says in Revelation 1:7 that there will be mourning when Christ returns:

“Look, he is coming with the clouds,”

    and “every eye will see Him,

even those who pierced Him”;

    and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of Him.”

So shall it be! Amen.

What then?  What if you're still here?

Since God is such a loving and gracious God, you can still, even then, be saved!  And trust me, you will want to be because the days after God's elect are outta here, truly all hell will break loose.  The lawlessness that we see happening even today will increase a hundredfold, at least.  You will need all the help you can get and you will need the discernment that only the Holy Spirit gives in order to survive and see what is really happening.

There will still be mockers!  Even with millions of the world population gone from the Rapture, there will be naysayers spewing lies that we were taken by UFOs or aliens or what have you.  Some people never change, the fools!

Don't buy it!  You are accountable now because you have read these words. You're welcome!

We will meet our Lord and Savior in the air - maybe even one day soon!  So be ready!  Ready for Him!

Lord Jesus!  You promise that You are coming back for us!  And You always keep Your promises!  Every prophecy in the Bible has either already come true or will come true.  So thank You!!!!  We look forward to flying into Your glorious Presence to be with You forever!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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