God leads you to the right read

Oh how I love words.  They have such power.  We all know that they can be used for evil or good.  And We all know the saying, "The pen is mightier than the sword." 

What a gift God gave us in words!  

Spoken words have power.  But words we read are just as powerful.

The Lord always, without fail, leads me to just the right word that I need for whatever situation I face.

His Scripture holds the most powerful of all words, as it is "living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword." (see Hebrews 4:12)  The Bible is alive.  It's words contain past and future events, words of comfort and healing, words of truth and light, words of wisdom - it's all in there!

There is a reason why the Bible is the best-selling book of all time.  Yet some are foolish enough to never read it!  

Just recently I found a gem of a book on amazon, Trust God's Plan (affiliate).  In it are words of gold that the Lord knew I needed for such a time as this.

It is a short read but filled with powerful truths and wisdom and I am so glad that I bought it to add to my Kindle collection of treasures!

That is why our prayers are so powerful, too.  Our words matter.  We don't need to be eloquent in our prayers to God.  But our hearts must align with His, His will, and then look out!  He will do amazing and even miraculous things for, in, around, and through us!

This is so much deeper than the "name and claim" mentality.  This is the power of God Himself!  

Even when I don't see answers to my prayers any time soon (but sometimes, I do!), I trust with all my heart that God is on it!  As my husband says, "Leave it on God's workbench."  

God is at work!  Always!  Remember, He never slumbers or sleeps!  Ha! (see Psalm 121:1)

It is when we take back the very things that we entrusted to Him in prayer - remove them from His All-powerful "workbench" through fear, doubt, and worry, or taking matters into our own hands - that we find ourselves frustrated, anxious, or in trouble.

Say your prayers and leave them with God!  Even when He does not act right away, or when you think He should, He knows exactly what He is doing!

There was a "viral" video years ago that garnered much praise from Christians.  But they got it wrong (another vote for why "popularity" in videos means nothing!).  It showed a Christian praying on his knees but the forces of evil were surrounding him, trying to thwart his prayers and attacking his mind.  This part of the "play" was true to life (there is a battle when we pray!).  But the part that was totally ludicrous was how they depicted Jesus.  Jesus was on the side of the person praying, unable to reach him, and, get this, pacing back and forth as if powerless to intervene!  Did no one else see the ridiculousness of this!?!?!? 


Jesus is Omnipotent!!!  

Is the battle real?  Yes.  Are there demons warring against God's angels in the heavenly realms?  Yes.

But we know the Winner!!!

That is why we must pray!  That is why our words matter!  Jesus gets the victory!

We must press on and persevere in prayer until we feel God's peace in our hearts.  And even then, it may take some time for Him to work it out in the natural.  But in the spiritual realm, it is a done deal!

So ask the Lord to lead what you read.  Be careful to listen to Him, because there are all sorts of crackpots out there!  Always hold what you read to the Light of Scripture.  But He is faithful - when you really want to know Him and His will, He will direct your steps and lead you to just the right words when you need them.  They will be as a balm to your soul.  They will provide much-needed comfort.  They reassure you that you are not alone in your struggles and battles.

Read on!

Oh Lord.  You are the Word.  The Word was God and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.  You, too, love words!  I pray that You always lead and guide us to find just the right words to help us in our time of need.  I pray that we would always listen to, trust, and obey You.  Thank You for Your Omniscience, Father God.  Thank You that You know the beginning from the end!  Thank You for the most glorious and inerrant words of all - the Bible.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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