Properly placed devotion

Many people are devoted to a cause, or to service, or to their families.  All good devotions they.

But as Christians, our devotion is to Christ.  

Our devotion is to a Person.

This makes all the difference because it places the cart where it belongs, after the horse, not before it.

It is easier, in some ways to be devoted to events, things, happenings, service, and so on. Why?  Because these are tangible and measurable.  "I give to the poor."  "I tithe 10%."  "I go to church every week."  Good deeds all are these.

But it makes me wonder why Jesus turns some "do-gooders" away in the end?  It's a frightening Scripture, for sure, if Jesus is talking to you.

"Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’  Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’" Matthew 7:22-23

Jesus is speaking to those whose deeds appeared to be serving Him, but apparently, not so much.  Remember, Jesus always looks at the heart.  The heart contains our motives.  He knows when some do their good deeds to be seen by men, to ensure their reputation remains intact, and so on.  And apparently, He despises impure motives.

Jesus actually calls the do-gooders' deeds evil!  He calls them evildoers!  Ouch!  

The church as an organization (not the church as in the people who make up His Body) can tend toward checking the boxes of good deeds.  Again, since it is measurable and looks so darn good, some can gravitate toward that.  It makes them feel good about themselves.  

Now I'm not condemning good works.  What I do take umbridge with is how outer service is glorified over a living, vital relationship with Christ in most religious organizations.

How do I know?  I have witnessed it time and time again.  The church applauds the Marthas, not the Marys.

How can you tell the difference?  It's a vibe.  It's the Jesus vibe versus the legalistic vibe.

When someone has a deep, abiding love relationship with Christ, it is tangible.  There is a substance, a presence about the person who is devoted to the Person of Christ.

Those devoted to good works have a sort of uptight vibe about them. They don't seem relaxed, or at peace.  That is most likely because they are doing their works in their own strength and flesh.  Remember, even wicked flesh can appear to be good.  But Scripture makes it clear that no good thing dwells in our flesh. 

What happens when we are devoted to Christ and not other things or even people?  We end up doing good works and serving others anyway!  But this way, it is from pure motives, from Christ's Spirit living inside of us - His power, His strength, His love, His authority.  

Big difference.

This way, we take no credit for any of it.  Nothing.  Nada.  Zilch.

Christ gets all the glory for real.  And God will not be mocked; He knows who's who.

So in which camp do you reside?  Are you with the band of do-gooders who are doing all the right things, saying all the right things, but Christ doesn't really know you?  "I never knew you."  Those are His words, not mine.

Christ wants to be known by us.  He wants an intimate relationship with each one of His children.  

But how many of us are good at relationships?!  We need to sit and just be.  Remember Mary who worshiped at Jesus' feet, pouring precious perfume on Him?  Mary was in love with Jesus!  Pure and simple.  But not just "in love" in the way we romanticize it, but in her devotion to Him.  She was drawn to Jesus for who He was: Lord and Savior. Her Lord.  Her Savior.

This type of wholehearted devotion to Christ ruffled the feathers of the Pharissees in Jesus' day, and it continues to ruffle the feathers of those of the same ilk!

We have made Christianity into a long list of works to do, ways to act, and work to be done at the cost of our actual relationship with Him.  

Pharissee or friend?

Rules or relationship?

Worker or worshiper?

Which are you?  Do you know for sure that Jesus will not speak those horrific words to you in the end?  "Depart from me!  I never knew you!"

You can repent and switch camps, if you're not 100% sure which or whose you are.

Works will still get done.  God knows there is still much work and service to be done.

But let's not put the proverbial cart before the horse!  

If you choose to be devoted to Jesus rather than "tick the boxes" of man, you will stand out like a sore thumb among churchgoers.  So what?!  All we should care about is what Jesus cares about us, His word toward us, His knowing us.

That is all He values in the end.  Our hearts fully devoted to Him.

Dear Lord.  People have good intentions and want to do good works.  But without a vital, intimate relationship with You, You see it all as filthy rags - evil, even!  Because apart from You, none of us can do anything that is of any real value.  Your entire life and ministry was born from Your connection with and obedience to Your Father, sweet Jesus.  And we are to be the same way.  So help us, Lord, be devoted solely to You and let any and all of our good works flow from that connection.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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