How being an example works

I believe with all that is in me that we are never good examples when we think we are, when we are trying to be.

I believe that when we are yielded to Christ, His life in us, His will for us, that then, and only then, are we influencing those around us.  And we never, no never, know when we are doing this.  We are not supposed to know because then we may become affected or, worse yet, we may think that we have something to do with it!

Jesus never set out to be an example.  He simply was.  As He stayed connected to His Heavenly Father, the life of God poured out through Him in thought, word, and deed.  And of course, He really is the only example in life for all of us.  

Leaders will fail.

"Experts" are limited.

Good deed doers may be acting out of the flesh, not from fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

So of course, we look to our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ as our only example because His example is flawless and true.  His example can come to life in us, but only as glimpses - never fully or 24/7 - because we do not follow as closely as Jesus did to God.

So my encouragement to you is to stop trying to be an example.  Stop trying to be an "influencer" (how I've grown to despise that word in today's context!).  This whole "living intentionally" thing can take on a life of its own that is a million miles away from God's will for us.

Our purpose as Christians is to know and love God.  All the rest is putting the cart before the horse.

Will there be distractions?  Millions!

Will there be spirtual attacks?  Scads!

Will we be misunderstood, maligned, even rejected and despised for our love and devotion to God?  Usually, yes - because so few are on that path!

Remember, until others are born again, they are born enemies of God.  I don't care how "good" they may appear or try to be.  Human nature is not born loving God!  Sorry to break it to you, but I am only pointing out what God's Word says about the human heart.

We are each of us born in rebellion to God, thanks to good ol' Adam and Eve's first, and lasting, transgression.

So what's a girl to do?

Though it may seem an impossible feat, this uber connection to Christ, do it anyway!  That is where the real fruit lies, friends - in our union with Christ, our submission to Him, our obeying Him, our allowing Him to rule in our hearts and minds.  That is the only place the real fruit comes from.

"If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples."  John 15:7-8

This is how the Lord is glorified in us and how He becomes the example through us!  We are off the hook, in that sense, of trying to be "good examples."  We are not and cannot be good examples in and of ourselves. Not the kind that Jesus wants to be in us, anyway.

Abide, abide, abide.  Keep at it!  And you will be a godly example without even realizing it.

Dear Lord.  Thank You for being so patient with us.  For sometimes it seems the last thing we do is abide in You.  We are so busy going about our lives, doing, doing, doing, instead of being.  Help us get the horse before the cart, Lord!  For You are our only real example in how to live, Lord.  And we can only be but a glimpse of You as we submit to You and abide in You.  Help us persevere through the attacks and battles against our abiding in You so we can produce the fruit that lasts.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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