Read this and be offended

So I said the following a little while back to my virtual Bible study chicks, and here's what happened.

"Whatever good you see in me is all Jesus. Whatever bad you see, that’s all me." 


Their pride just couldn't handle it.  I suppose their silence, though speaking volumes, was better than they verbally stoning me!

Oh, how most still want to believe that they are "good" people.  Let it go, folks!  If most of us are actually "good people," then why did Jesus die?

All I know is that the longer I know Jesus (35+ years now), the more I realize just how wretched I am.  And I'm ok with that.  Actually, I'm downright thrilled with that.

Why?  Because the onus of any of this being a good person falls on Jesus, His Spirit in me.  I know I can't keep it up, that my "niceness" will eventually fail. 

But Christ's goodness and kindness?  Now that's the real deal!

But there is a caveat.  You've got to go.  Yep.  That's right.  Your pride, your sense of being a "good" person on your own, kaput!  Out the window.  Sayonara.

Once you can just do this already, oh boy, the taste of freedom that you experience will be well worth it.  So worth it.

No more trying to do and say all the "right" things.  No more defending your awfulness.  

If you really belong to Christ and let Him have His way with you, you know deep down that any good you have is Him and only Him; His Spirit living inside of you.

If You really belong to Christ, you will come to know just how horrible you really are apart from Him!

Are you ready to face this truth about yourself?

Apparently, no one in my Bible study was ready yet.  And until they get there, they will be forever bound; bound by trying and efforts, bound by their own sin, bound by deception.

Is your pride really serving  you?!  Let me answer that for you.  No.  It is not.

Oh the devil wants you to cling to self and pride - that way he can still rule over you.  Yes, rule!

Remember, Jesus told us flat out that we cannot serve two masters - we will love one and hate the other. I know full well He was talking about money in that verse.  But it holds true for any other "master" you are beholden to: self, pride, reputation, etc.

"But I go to church every Sunday!"  "I'm on all the church committees!"  "I visit the sick in the hospital!"

You visit them and do all of that stuff?  Or Christ in you?  The two cannot be compared.

Give it up already!  

Admitting that there is "no good thing" within you will not cause self-hatred, don't worry.  If you let it have its full sway, you will finally be free.  

Oh Lord.  Thank You, thank You, thank You that no good thing dwells in me apart from You!  No more guessing games, or wondering.  It's a done deal!  You died for us all precisely because we are all not just sinners, but truly awful in and of ourselves!  We need a Savior and only You fit the bill, dear Lord.  Thank You for revealing to us, as we get closer to You, just how rotten we really are!  For You alone are good, sweet Jesus.  So please, Holy Spirit, have your way in us so that we can truly glorify You (not self!!!!), and do all of the good works that only You can do through us, in Your power, might, and love.  In Your precious Name I pray, dear Jesus.  Amen.


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