I finally figured it out

I have struggled a very long time with my experiences with some Christians.  I could not figure out how they could claim to know God, some of them for decades, and still have such hatred, bitterness, and anger in their hearts.

I could not figure out how they could treat others so unkindly, with no real love or compassion; hold onto grudges and such.

Maybe you have met those kinds of Christians and they have turned you off to God and Jesus.

I am here to say that I get you.  I totally understand where you are coming from.  And I am not going to make excuses for those people who harmed you, harmed me.

But I heard a message online today from some very Spirit-filled Christian ladies and a light bulb went off in my mind.  

I figured out why some Christians are not loving like the Jesus they claim to know and love.

They have not let Jesus love them.

They have not let Jesus fully into the broken places of their hearts.

They have not let Jesus minister to them at a deep level to cleanse them and meet them where they are at, and therefore, they cannot meet others where they are at in their need and brokenness.

They may know Scripture - even be able to quote it to you.

They may have been in Bible study classes for decades.

Yet they lack a heart of love.

I believe this breaks God's heart.  Why?  Because of what He endured on the cross in order to show them His huge love for them.  They can say "Jesus died for me," but still have a heart that is not full of love for others.

I believe that if we truly knew how much and deeply we have been forgiven by God, that we couldn't help but shower that same love on others, no matter how they treat us.

But our Sunday school pins puff us up to believe that we are in the know about God.  We "passed" the Bible study quiz.

Yet we still do not know God.

Because if we truly knew Him, our hearts would be bursting with love for others.

Many born again Christians come from broken families, rough backgrounds, carrying hurt and baggage. That is why they turn to God, to find and know a love that they never had from others.

But because they may have never received real love, they don't know how to receive love from God.  They may feel unworthy, or afraid.

But I am firmly convinced that when we let Christ love us, when we open our hearts to Him fully, come to Him with abandon and trust, that He will fill us with such love that we will feel loved as never before, and will be able to extend that love toward others.

There was an old Christian folk song from the 70s, "And they'll know we are Christians by our love." Oh may that become more and more the case!  Because I am tired, as perhaps you are, of meeting Christians who are not known for their love at all.

But when we let Jesus, in His love, fill us with His love, we will then be able to truly love others.  That is when they will see Christ in us.  That is when they will want what we have.  True love.

It takes guts to let yourself be loved, when you think about it.  Openness, honesty and vulerability are all present where there is true love.

And Jesus loves us just as we are.  No caveats.  No "cleaning up you act" first.  

Come as you are and let Jesus love you.  Then go and love others the same.

Oh Lord.  How great is Your love.  May we feel and know Your love for us on an intimate basis.  As we come to You in prayer, trusting in Your promises in the Bible, may we meet the real You and know Your Presence as never before.  For You are not only our Savior, but the greatest love we will ever know. Please fill our hearts with Your tremendous love, that we may truly love others, O God.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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