Why God saves us

God saves us in order to transform us into His image.  His main work is done in us.  Without the inner transformation, outer works can still be done, but the same types of outer works can be done by non-Christians, too.  

Visiting the sick in the hospital, taking meals to the homebound, even singing in the church choir can all be done without the Spirit of Christ in us.

What is to make us different, as aliens in this world, is the heart work that God does in our hearts.

The strongholds that Satan tries to establish are after our hearts.  If he can get to our emotions through sin, then Christ's life cannot live fully in our hearts.  Satan wants us to glorify and live by our emotions instead of relying on the power of God in us.

When Jesus reigns in our hearts, we become more sensitive to Him, His Spirit, His will, His voice so that we can do His works in the world, not just generic "good works."

We forgive others quickly out of His life in us.

We do not gossip because it is an affront to God and hurts Him deeply.  How?  We play "god" in our judgment and accusations of others.

We give freely and generously, not grudgingly, because Christ's life in us is generous and gives freely to us.

We have no fear of man because they cannot do anything to harm the life of Christ in us. But if the devil can get a stronghold in our hearts, then there is an open door for man to affect us negatively.

We stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit by wanting to please Him above all else.  

Bottom line is that the devil is fine with all of our "good" outer works as long as the Lord is not changing our hearts.  

But once you commit to allowing the Lord to conform you into His image, you have a formidable foe constantly working against you to derail you.

But take heart!  Jesus has overcome the world and defeated the devil on Calvary!  His power in us is stronger than our flesh.

So it is a fight, a daily battle, when we truly allow Jesus to reign fully in our hearts.  But fight we must!  We know that Christ always leads us to victory in Himself.

When Christ rules in our hearts, we are free.  

When Christ rules in our hearts, God is glorified.

When Christ rules in our hearts, we have peace.

There is comfort, joy, hope, and so much more in our hearts when we allow the Holy Spirit full sway in our hearts.

So you see salvation is so much more than saving us from hell and welcoming us into heaven.

We are saved to be sanctified.  And the only way to sanctification is by allowing Christ to rule in our hearts, letting Him do His work in our hearts (removing dross of all sorts), and therefore becoming more like Him.

What a gift!  What an unspeakable privilege! 

Dear Lord.  You paid the ultimate price on the cross for us so that we could enter Your Presence without any condemnation.  Thank You, dear Lord, for this truth.  Your desire is that we become more and more like You and this is only possible as we let You live in our hearts, through us, to accomplish Your works that You may be glorified.  As we become more like You through surrender, obedience, and Your grace in us, others see Your Reality and You are glorified.  What a privilege indeed!  Help us to let go and let You reign fully in our hearts, Holy Spirit.  For that is our highest and truest purpose.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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