Delayed but on its way!

Waiting for something to happen that only God can do for you?

Believing that God is working behind the scenes on our behalf, when nothing is happening in the natural, is a test of faith.

We think we know when a provision or deliverance should happen.  We don't.

That is up to the Lord.

If you have known Jesus for any length of time, you have experienced what are known as "divine delays."  They are not meant to be understood (or even enjoyed!).  

But know this.  If what you are expecting God to do is part of His plan and will for your life, it is coming!

Do not see a delay as a "no" or as it not happening ever.  But see it as on the way.  This perspective will give you new hope and life as you wait on God.

I experienced this recently in a very mundane way.  I placed my usual weekly grocery order for home delivery.  Normally, I am able to edit my order, remove items, add items, up until a few hours before it is delivered.

But this week, there was a glitch on the website beyond my control.  Where it typically said, "Edit order," it gave me the message "Delayed."  That's it.  No explanation how delayed, when my order would get here.  Just delayed.

I contacted customer service and they assured me that the order would still be delivered at the scheduled time, that it was not delayed but only having technical issues on the site.

This small, seemingly trivial thing, taught me a lot about faith! I had to trust that the order would show up though when I checked back to see if the site had been fixed, it stubbornly kept saying "delayed."

You know what?  The order showed up 10 minutes earlier than the time I had scheduled it.  

My order that was supposed to be delayed showed up at just the right time.  Delayed but still on the way!

What a beautiful lesson this was from the Lord to me, and now for you, too.

If something as mundane as a grocery order can come through for me, what about Almighty God and His perfect timing?

The Lord spoke clearly to me through this event.  He is at work behind the scenes on what we may label "delayed" and knows exactly when to deliver our answer, solution, and goods!

We do not need more information when it comes to delays.  We need more faith.  

Oh Lord.  You have a great sense of humor!  Thank You for teaching me in a very practical way the lesson about delays.  I can trust You and Your perfect wisdom when it comes to divine delays in my life.  For You always know best, dear Heavenly Father.  Help me to wait on You with faith, believing that You will provide and show up exactly at the perfect time.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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