How to get out of the pit!

One day, when feeling down in the dumps, the Lord showed me the way out of my pit by giving me a very practical list.  I am sharing it with you here in case you need help out of your pit!

1. Sup with Me.  Spend quality time with with Me.
2. Trust Me!  Believe Me again.
3. Stop looking around you and look within instead.  All of the answers are there within you because I live within you.
4. Time spent with Me changes your mindset and you realize that you are welcome at My table of plenty.
5. No one and nothing is holding you back except for your skewed mindset.  You can think new thoughts and not project the past onto the future!
6.  NO FEAR!
7. Know that your circumstances, and how others mistreat you, cannot hold you back or stop My plan for your life.
8. Speak up and speak out with My Spirit guiding you.
9. Cease striving after validation and being understood, for your worth comes from Me. 
10. You can't put old wine into new wineskins where I am leading you and calling you.
11.  Know that I am God!

This is why I always keep some sort of pad, journal, or other notebook handy.  I enjoy writing down what God tells me.  And I really love sharing what He gives me here with you.

There have been countless times when I have glanced through a beloved book by a Christian author and the words that I read there heal me.  Of course, God's Word is my main source of comfort, guidance, and wisdom.  But God still calls many believers to write for Him so that He can encourage and unite through us.  

The written word has power.  How much more our internal dialogue within ourselves!  For we know that whatever is in the heart will eventually come out in some way, shape, or form.  

When we belong to Christ, the spiritual attacks from the devil on our minds and emotions are very real.  It's not that we want to dwell on the devil.  But he is a very real foe and the more we do God's work in the world for His eternal Kingdom, the more the devil is after us!

So it is crucial to think good thoughts, know God's Scripture in our hearts, and fight the good fight each and every day.  We are soldiers of Christ!  And for those of us who have never served in a literal army, we must gain a disciplined mindset through the words we think, say, read, and write, as well as by the company we keep.  Not all are good influences over us.

We must be diligent in our use of social media, as the words there can either help and heal, or tear down and destroy in us what God is trying to build in us.

We all get blue or down from time to time.  But we don't have to stay there!  Get into the Psalms.  And look over my list here above that the Lord gave me to encourage me.  It will work for you, too.

Do not give up the fight because it is hard!  The Lord told us that when we follow Him that we will have troubles.  But remember that He has overcome the world!  And He lives inside of us at the ready to encourage, lead, guide, and support us.  Let Him!

Dear Lord.  We are so rich in You.  We have Your Word, which is You because You are the Word.  We have Your Holy Spirit.  We have Your wisdom.  And we have gifts from You that You tell us to use to help others.  When we are tempted to stay in the pit, please help and empower us to get up and get out, by Your grace and power within us and by the power of holy words.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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