I scarce can take it in

I am preparing to teach a Bible study on the book of Colossians.  As part of this, the writer of the study asks us to read the entire book of Colossians out loud.

So I started to read it out loud this morning and I couldn't get past verse 11 of the first chapter.

It is so rich, so meaningful, so full of the mercy, grace, and the riches of Christ that "I scarce can take it in." 

I could go no further.  It was simply too much to take in.

It was a good kind of being overwhelmed.  Overwhelmed by the goodness and mercy of Christ.  Overwhelmed by all we possess when we are in Him.  Overwhelmed because it is just too much to fully comprehend.

I thought of how I just couldn't take it all in and then remembered this verse from the hymn, "How Great Thou Art."  The lyricist is talking about Christ's sacrifice for us on the cross, and the vast love of God Who sent Jesus to die for our sins.  The songwriter could barely take it all in.

Neither can I.

And reading Colossians 1:1-11 aloud, as I was overwhelmed with the very same feelings of awe and grandness, it was simply too much.

Will I be able to even read the entire book in one sitting, as the Bible study writer suggests?  I'm guessing no, I won't be able to.

So I will read it one glorious chunk at a time as the Spirit leads and if I get overwhelmed again, as I'm sure I will, then I will simply take pause and praise God for how great He truly is.

As we think more during this Holy Week on Christ and all He endured out of love for us, may we let ourselves be truly overwhelmed at His sacrifice, His love, His gifts and riches more than ever before.

How Great Thou Art indeed.

Precious Lord.  When we stop and ponder Your glorious riches, Your intense love and ways, we truly can scarce take it all in.  And that's ok.  For You are too great for us to take in fully and comprehend.  But one day!  We will be able to take it all in; that day that we will be reunited with You forever.  Oh the glory, the bliss, the love divine!  I can't wait!  In Your precious Name.  Amen.


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