Let God do something new through you

Social media.  It is the best of times, it is the worst of times.

God can and does use it as a blessing in our lives.  But we know that it has also become a source of distraction and isolation for our society, too.

When we scroll through others' lives (at least only the parts they allow us to see), and we want to accomplish great things that God has put in our hearts, the temptation is to try and look like or do what others are doing in the same way.

Only problem with that is that God is the ultimate Creator.  He is full of new, creative ways and ideas for each of us.

Do we dare be different?  Do we dare step out of the box?

If God tells us to, then yes!

To be open to God's plans for us we need to:

1. Trust Him wholeheartedly.
2. Believe He knows what He is doing
3. Partner with Him in all we do
4. Expect ridicule and naysayers because "it's never been done like that before"
5. Listen to Him daily
6. Step out in faith to whatever He tells us to do
7. Not care what others may think
8. Stay positive

Just because someone else has had "success" in doing something that is in your heart to do does not mean that God will work it out for you in the same way for you.

All great things that God did through His people in the Bible did something new.  Think Noah.  No one had ever built an ark before.  No one had ever even seen rain before!

Think Moses.  No one had ever led a million people across a desert before.  

Think Esther.  No one went before a king to intervene for a nation before.

And the list goes on and on.

Now what if any or all of these people had disobeyed God?  Well, in Noah's case, the entire human race would have ended then and there!

We never know what far-reaching results our obedience to God will produce.  We are simply to trust and obey Him.

So what is God telling you to do?  God does not ask us.  He is God.  He tells us.  Then, we have the choice of either obeying Him or not.

Sometimes, the crazier the command seems, the better the results!

God can do the impossible.  God lives inside of us.  Ergo, in His power and strength and supernatural ability, He empowers us to do the impossible.

This is not an ego trip to see what "we" can accomplish.  This is about obeying Almighty God so that He will be glorified and that His will would be done on the earth through us.  

We must get still and silent before God in order to hear what He is telling us.  He can show us through His Word, through books we read, through something we "happen" to overhear, or any other way He wants to in order to get our attention.

Are we listening?  Do we believe God wants to show and tell us His assignment for us?

It may look totally different from anything we have seen before.  How exciting is that?!

Dear Lord.  We limit You.  In our finite minds, we can go by what has "already been done" or what we see around us.  Please open our minds and hearts to You, O God, that we may hear You and do whatever it is You tell us to do.  Give us courage and faith to obey You because You are Lord and deserve our obedience. Thank You, Lord, for Your will and Master Plan.  Show us our part that we may do it!  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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