The wheat and the tares

I think I figured out why some who call themselves Christians have no interest in a love relationship with Jesus.  There are wheat and there are tares in the house of God.  Jesus said so, so that is true.

Wheat wants to know Christ intimately, have a close relationship with Him.  Tares want to do "good works" and are only interested in outer works, not the condition of their hearts; not in an intimate relationship with Jesus.

We don't know who's who, because only God knows for sure.  However, I think I've discovered how to get a clue as to who is who!

When I talk in a group of women and mention intimacy with Christ, some start nervously flipping through their Bibles looking for all the verses on serving.  They want to justify that their way is best because knowing, obeying, and following Christ as He wants (not how they want) is not what they're after.

Of course as Christians we are to serve God and serve others.  But ideally, that is the outer manifestation of a love relationship with Christ.

What do I mean by love relationship?

We come to know Christ through many ways.  Since Jesus is the Word, when we read and study His Word, that is one way to get to know Him.

But Paul says that he wanted to know Christ in His sufferings, to become more like Jesus through suffering what Jesus suffered (see Philippians 3:10).  Paul, simply put, wanted Christ.  He was totally captured by the love and Presence of His Lord and Savior and was only fulfilled in knowing Him more and more.

That is how we relate to anyone, isn't it?  When we go through similar situations as they.

When we are rejected for standing up for Jesus and His truth, especially when His anointing is on us, we will face rejection.  There is no escaping this part of knowing Jesus intimately.  He was depised and rejected, therefore when we relate to Him through knowing Him intimately, we will face the same that He did.

Jesus was despised by the religious leaders - the very ones who should have known better!  But turns out they were the tares, not the wheat.

And the tares always resent the wheat.  The wheat does not resent the tares, but only puts up with them until Jesus does His final sheep and goats deal.

See, outer works are easy.  Anyone, including unbelievers, can go visit a prisoner in jail, feed the hungry, clothe the poor, recite Scripture from memory.  The Pharisees prided themselves on keeping the laws better than anyone else.  Good thing, since they made up most of the laws anyway!  They were into manmade laws to be obeyed, and their list was long and exhausting. They were not into the law of love written on our hearts by Jesus.

Jesus gave us a simple law, and He fulfilled it beautifully for us.  Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.  Then He provided His wonderful Holy Spirit to empower us to do so, knowing that we could never fulfill this in and of ourselves.

As usual, the tares complicated issues, and Jesus, the ultimate Wheat, simplified and explained things as they are and should be so that anyone could understand.

The tares want control over things and people.

The wheat want to love Jesus and know Him more and obey Him at all costs.

Now wheat also gets God's works done, but not in the flesh and not for their own glory to lord it over others' heads and to be seen by the "right" people.

Intimacy with Jesus is a threat to the tares because it exposes them for what they are.  Jesus called the Pharisees all sorts of horrible things in Matthew 23.  He calls them out and lists all of the woes that fall on them.  There are way too many to list here, but if you like, read through Matthew 23 to see for yourself.

Sadly, the church still has many "members" who are Pharisees. 

The tares want to still hang on to some sort of false hope that they are, in and of themselves, "good" people.

The wheat know truly and deeply that they are lost apart from Christ; they know their need for Him and that they are nothing apart from Him.

The tares applaud church attendance all the while their hearts are far from the Lord.  That's because all they care about is their reputation, looking good to others, and feeling good about themselves.

But don't fret.  God will not be mocked.  And God knows the hearts of all men.

I saw this graphically played out at a women's conference.  I got up to speak not knowing what I was going to say, moved by the Spirit to speak.  Words gushed out of me about how others would flock to Christ if they saw us truly loving each other and Christ, about how church wasn't a social club but is meant to be Christ to the world, and how this is only accomplished as we each individually get to know Him intimately.  

The room literally was divided in half.  Those on the left sat stony-faced and looking offended and slighted, arms crossed (interesting how they were all seated together).  Those on my right side wildly applauded and cheered in agreement with the words the Holy Spirit had spoken through me.  It was literally a split right down the middle.

The wheat and the tares together in the same room, the same church, but with diametrically opposing views of the Christian life.

I hadn't intended to be divisive.  I had no idea how they would respond.  I simply spoke up for Jesus.  But that's what happens when we talk about the real Jesus.  Half will be offended (the tares), and half will resonate with the truth (the wheat).

Why do I bother to write about this uncomfortable subject?  Because it exists and we need to be aware of its reality! 

We must not let the tares get to us in these End Times.  People need to know and hear about the real Jesus more than ever.  People are not looking for rules and regulations to keep.  People are not seeking yet another phony social club to join.

People are hungry for God.

As the wheat, our number one responsibility is to abide in Christ, be found in Him, know Him intimately.  Out of that flows all of the works of God that He wills.  We abide, trust, and obey and He does the rest.

When others see us all in love with Jesus, fulfilled in Christ, at peace filled with His hope, they will be drawn to Him, the real Jesus.  That is our purpose here on earth - to know God and make Him known.

Let us persevere in our calling so that those searching for the real Jesus will be found.  Have the guts to speak up for Him, as led by the Spirit, and fight the good fight until He returns.  We are not playing a popularity game, but we are fulfilling God's purpose no matter the cost.

Oh Lord.  You suffered greatly and received so much hatred from the Pharisees.  There You were, the One Who created them(!), and yet in their pride they were deceived into believing that they did not need You, not need the real Truth.  Oh help us, Lord, when we meet up with such hypocrites!  Empower us to keep living in Your Spirit, knowing You intimately, and helping others come into an intimate relationship with You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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