What do you seek?

Jesus posed this question to Andrew and his brother Simon (Peter) when they first met Him.  I believe Jesus asks the same of us today.

Jesus wants us to know where our hearts are.  Some sought Him out of curiosity.  Some sought Him for healing.  

But Jesus wants us to seek Him so that we will follow Him.  Stay with Him no matter what.  This is what separated the disciples from the rest of the crowd.  

Following Jesus is not about a list of rules or obligations to follow.  Jesus never said, "Follow the rules."  Jesus said, "Follow Me."

What's the difference?  


Are we looking at what we can do - looking at the rules and trying our best to keep them?  Or are we looking at Him, seeking His Presence, to be close to Him in fellowship, acknowledging our need of Him?

Jesus leads us along the straight and narrow path.  Not many are on that path.  Jesus told us that the other way is a broad path, the one that most will walk on in their lives.  But He said that that path leads to destruction.

The conundrum in this is that when we walk the straight and narrow, it can feel and look like destruction here and now.  Destruction of reputation, of how we live "weirdly" in the world compared to others. Sometimes it can mean destruction of the things we think we want - temporal, earthly things that would distract us from fully following Jesus.  Destruction of feeling like we belong in this world.

But the broad way looks like and seems like it is the "right" way because it often offers more worldly blessings here and now.  There may be little destruction on its path, at least for now.

But if you have the end goal in mind, are thinking long-term, then your eyes will not be on what this life or world offers.  You are following Jesus.  Your eyes are on Him, no matter how narrow the way He takes you.

Why do we stay on the narrow, often painful and trial-ridden path?  Jesus.  We love Him.  We know that He loves us.  We know that He knows best.  We have His Presence along the way and it is all we need.  He is worth any temporary losses we may face in this life.  We believe His promises of a better life, not only in the hereafter, but here and now in the way of His life in us; the life where the outer parameters mean less and less to us, just so we have Him.  

There is peace and joy in staying on the straight and narrow.  Jesus gives peace not like the world gives, based on "good" circumstances and everything going "our way."

I have felt His beautiful peace in the hardest, most strenuous of circumstances.  His peace is an inside job and nothing can touch it, that is unless we choose to veer off of the straight and narrow.

To follow Jesus, you have to be willing to look like a sort of odd duck.  Will Jesus bless us with the "normal" stuff, too?  If it is best for us.  He knows how to keep us focused on Him, whether or not that means worldly gain.

What do you really want in life?  How you answer this question will reveal who Jesus really is in your heart and life.  

Jesus is asking you now, "What do you seek?"  

Our hearts can be full of all sorts of stuff: uncertainty, doubt, fear, anxiety, and hesitancy.

But our hearts can also be filled with assurance, faith, surrender, hope, and trust.

And please note that our hearts can bounce back and forth between these two ways even after knowing Jesus.  It is not all "smooth sailing" but a daily choice to give in to Jesus instead of our natural tendencies.  It is a discipline.  It is a battle.

But in the end, Jesus promises that His straight and narrow path is the only one that leads to life.  So I guess it comes down to this:  do you seek life or do you seek death?

When put that way, it becomes pretty clear as to what you really want and seek.  Only please don't seek what seems like life when Jesus offers you real life.  Pray to know the difference.  Let Him lead you.  Push through the fear, because fear is simply a liar.

Seek what your hearts craves.  Your heart was made for Christ.

Oh Lord.  The fact that we can come near to You at all is a miracle!  You are perfect.  You are holy.  In and of ourselves, we cannot come before You at all.  But when we are covered by Your precious blood, born again of the Spirit, forgiven and our sins atoned for, then we can come boldly to Your throne of grace.  And it is there that we find all we are truly seeking.  For all we are seeking is found in You, Jesus.  Amen.

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