If Abraham had an audience

God asks crazy things of us at times.  

If there was a crowd on the scene when Abraham raised a knife to his son Issac, those onlookers would have thought Abraham...

No longer worthy to be a leader

We don’t always appear to be doing the right thing when we fully obey God, to be in our right mind.

But look at the example we have in Abraham and his perfect obedience to God!  We learn about God's faithfulness.  We learn that God provides a solution always.  We learn that God is always trustworthy, even when He tells us to do unimaginable things.

The lesson here?  So many!

1. It doesn't matter what "they" think
2. Obey God no matter what
3. Trust God no matter what
4. Just do it!
5. Do not hesitate in obeying God
6. Know God's character through obedience
7. God will always provide, make a way for us

If you knew that you heard God telling you to sacrifice your son, would you do it?  I'm guessing no, you most likely would not.

Yet God told Abraham to do that very thing.  Abraham knew God.  He trusted God.  

“God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” Genesis 22:8

Abraham believed that God would not let him kill his son, but that God would provide another way for him to offer a sacrifice offering to God.

The other thing worthy to note about this event was how Abraham first worshiped God before he built the fire for the sacrifice.  

Instead of reacting to an impossible request from God, we are to worship Him for who He is and acknowledge Him as Lord.

We know that Abraham's scenario was a picture of what Christ would do for us centuries later.  God would sacrifice His one and only begotten Son for us.  Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb.

Go on now and do whatever God tells you to do.  He will provide.  He will make a way.  He will be glorified.  And you will walk away knowing Him more deeply.

Lord, You are Sovereign.  You never tell us to do anything evil.  But You may tell us to do something that appears nuts!  Please provide the grace we need to obey You fully, no matter what, always. In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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